Despite frustrations regarding CrowdStrike’s transparency, most poll participants said they were unlikely to remove the vendor

    Posted by fumblemorre


    1. As expected, aside the massive f-up, companies are sticking with CrowdStrike as it continues to be one of the leading EDR solutions

    2. Wise move from Crowdstrike for that $10 gift card. Best strategy of all time.

    3. Damage control PR, I call complete bullshit:

      >A CyberRisk Alliance resource, the CyberRisk Collaborative is a vendor-neutral community of CISOs and cybersecurity executives that share best practices and strategies for business success. **Polling for this infographic was conducted in the days preceding news of the faulty CrowdStrike update** and Microsoft outage. SC Media, an independent cybersecurity news source, is also a CyberRisk Alliance resource.

    4. imnotokayandthatso-k on

      the 15-20 year olds on here don’t know how fucking slow corporate IT is. There was a 0% in hell companies were gonna pivot anywhere that fast and by the time a viable competitor enters the market everyone will have already forgot about the incident.

    5. retard_trader on

      For some reason I’m really invested in seeing the CRWD shorts go bankrupt because their theses were really really stupid.

    6. Yul_B_Alwright on

      If their platform is as good as I heard, they’ll rebound. Plenty of companies experience mistakes, big or small. They create discounts. It is holding. If they rebound from this, could see an easy return.

    7. Br3akTh3Toys on

      Crowdstrike is a very solid security product. Way better than fireye and the rest. It’s unfortunate about that channel file but it doesn’t change the fact it stops breaches.

    8. o5mfiHTNsH748KVq on

      Why would we? If anything, they’re less likely to make another catastrophic mistake. Meanwhile, their security solution is solid.

      Shit happens and they will pay for the fallout, but fuck picking a new endpoint security company. I’d be signing up for years of negotiations, preparation, and rollout of a new vendor while drawing the ire of every single tech team in the company.

    9. SpiderPiggies on

      “Most” aka 50%+ aren’t going to switch, but a few will. The bigger issue for them is future sign ups.

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