I like some of the rough due diligence that is here. It's often not perfect, but at least its an opinion. I'm always surprised at how often people can poke holes in some of it, often in way I had not thought of myself.

    I like the community support when someone is struggling. I'm not a proponent of some of the YOLO bets, but at least for the most part people are not kicked while they are down too much.

    I'm not into options or gambling, but often I relate to this community the most on reddit.

    I think the want to to feel something is the commonalities between us. A big move up or a big move down brings forth emotion that other things in real life don't. The closest I've come to something similar is this: working on a project that is personally challenging.

    When I've done projects in my lifetime that might not work, it can be rough sometimes. Frequently the projects I've chosen have little financial benefit. I only tried the project because I thought I could get it to work. Most of the time I can actually get the project/contraption to work. It definitely doesn't sometimes as well. Those times really suck, but I would regret more not trying it.

    I just wanting to bring this forward as another outlet for people wanting to live. The benefit of is personal growth and learning experience. And when things go south it is much quicker to fix then sinking ones own personal finances. Hope this helps someone.

    Why I keep coming back to WSB
    byu/jonathanwitherell inwallstreetbets

    Posted by jonathanwitherell


    1. lookingaroundblind on

      I keep coming back because some of the shit posted makes me LOL so fucking hard, and its getting really hard to find funny shit these days.

    2. >I’m always surprised at how often people can poke holes in some of it

      Because most of it is shit.

      And regarding (hehe) the rest of your post, this is where we get our daily dose of entertainment and reinforce our gambling addition. I mean, mine is not that bad, look at that guy, loosing more than my entire net worth because he went all in into delusional options play.

    3. Only reason I’m here is to remind me that it’s not just crypto that’s like selling crack to crackheads. You have the same people that get wrecked in crypto get wrecked in stocks and if I keep my head straight it’s easy money

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