1. RoofEnvironmental340 on

      Wow they should try decreasing serving sizes while increasing prices and decreasing customer service to increase their margins

    2. Boshasaurus4 on

      Yes because Mcdonalds does nothing for society other then make people fat and charge an arm and a leg for cheap processed garbage

    3. >Buying opportunity?

      Shares are up >1% pre-market for some reason. Perhaps expectations were already rock bottom and the miss isn’t as bad as expected? No idea. Equity markets haven’t made much sense since the pandemic honestly.

    4. The reaction is hilarious. Should be deep red. Nah we only hammer big tech for double beats

    5. I ate some yesterday. Didn’t die. Sept $260 calls are looking good. Analyst just came out at $295 price target.

    6. **Until the Hot and Spicy is back on the dollar menu – they can suck my McDick, I won’t invest**

      *don’t go grab every buying opportunity because buy the dip is law around here – break the law baby*

    7. GeraltofRivia7770 on

      I’ll invest when their ice cream machine works more than 50% of the time.

    8. heretorobwallst on

      Out of desperation, I went to McD’s. I knew it would be expensive, so I ordered a quarter pounder with cheese meal for $12. They should rename it the McSoggy. Never going back again.

    9. lolstockslol on

      For everyone that’s scratching their heads at wtf is going on. $mcd is a realty company that happens to sell fast food at a ridiculous price.

      Also with a lil coke in their coke allegedly.

    10. anonymouse56 on

      Good, literally none of my friends go there anymore and we all used to be addicts as kids

    11. ThetaTickerberg on

      Any word on who they are choosing for ai ordering? That was supposed to happen on July but didn’t.

    12. Jimmy_Schmidt on

      The poors get poorer. Credit card maxed and can’t put a $5 meal deal on it anymore.

    13. rp2012-blackthisout on

      “get the app” Holy fuck. Delete the app, stop eating this garbage, and hit the gym you fat fucks.

    14. ToastedEvrytBagel on

      I hope they crash and burn. But unfortunately they will probably be fine.

    15. carlosmysantana on

      After I learned I’d be paying almost $4 for a McDouble, I haven’t been back since. This was almost a year ago. They can get bent.

    16. astroslostmadethis on

      Makes *fast food* nearly as expensive going to a sit-in joint for a couple of bucks extra will do that. *surprised pikachu face*

    17. AdministrativeBank86 on

      I used to love Big Mac’s but now I have to buy two of them due to shrinkage

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