I was going to sit this one out because I’ve gotten burned on their past 4 earnings. But then I thought, wait a minute, I need to inverse myself.

    Trading at 9x EBITDA and has seen support in mid 50s for a year. All in on calls. This time will be different.


    Posted by mattscott134


    1. theverybigapple on

      I was just going over ERs for tomorrow and they look good, PYPL expectations are really low due to declining in previous quarters, so we should beat, if we beat a lot, it will skyrocket 7-10% at open

    2. Objective-Dance-9438 on

      I’m in the same boat with the calls on PayPal. Hope we don’t get burned. 🚀🚀🚀

    3. Are those weekly calls?
      That’s for next week no? Not sure why you would risk that much for such a short date.
      Anyways, hope you make $$$

    4. NoKangaroo5425 on

      Ooof idk about this one. Consumer spending is def down but they are a beaten down dog so who knows. Best of luck

    5. It’s sitting at support, so have to be a big miss to create a major downside surprise. OTOH, Visa earnings we’re bad.

      Position: 4 Dec 20 2024 C @ $7.71

    6. strictlyPr1mal on

      This is some highly regarded shit and you have cursed this stock and now I will have to continue to hold my 70$ bags. Thanks jerk 

    7. PolarBearLaFlare on

      I’ve already been burned twice this year by paypal and their dumbass ceo

    8. CEO kind of let the cat out of the bag a month or so ago that they’re tracking ahead of expectations but it’s all about guidance and return to growth on their TPV. So far, no indication that any of their “initiatives” that they announced are working or fully implemented so it’s still a quarter or two before it can make a turnaround, if it ever does!

    9. CheebaMyBeava on

      They’re still the top of the game but Wall St hates them for some reason so ur boned

    10. If i got burned 4 times in a row playing the same company’s earnings i think i would pick a different ticker to yolo on but that’s just me. Maybe you like abusive relationships?

    11. punchyourbeanbag on

      Oof, that’s rough, I have a single jun 2026 call and am half down, have no faith in the company so no idea why i got it in first place

    12. That’s a lot of spreading you’re doing. Seems like you’re prepared for… it.

    13. Based on options market positioning, this actually looks like a decent trade. Here is positioning as of today 3:30 pm, the left side is the call-side gamma exposure (calculated using open interest), right side is put side gamma exposure. I used all expiries from now until the end of the month. Breaking through 59 is a key level, as the exposure flips from net-negative to net-positive. If we get to 64 or 65 prior to your expiration, I would at very least take half the contracts off and move the stop to break-even for the remaining. It’s possible it goes to 70, but sputters out after that. Put-gamma hedging forms support at 55.


      EDIT: Oh this is an earnings play. In that case it’s anyone’s guess, good luck. But still, there’s an awful lot of August 2nd calls open and we’re below all of it, so we will probably pull up into them. But as you can see those August 16th puts at 52.5 may be where traders are thinking price will head after call-side takes profits or if earnings are bad. But maybe they’re hedging their longs and we could take a bounce down there.

    14. professor_chao5 on

      I was really tempted with this one. But worried about being in the financial sector currently

    15. Scavwithaslick on

      With an estimated rise in stock price to $74.92, and estimated growth of 7.2%, I’d say it’s not a terrible bet. I wouldn’t yolo it, but I’d put some decent change into some calls. Just hope they don’t miss tomorrow

    16. Why does a $50 support matter to you if you’re buying calls? If your calls don’t print you still lose everything even if it never drops below $50

    17. Right? I mean how many quarters can they go down? They have to go up at some point!

      Watch then flop tomorrow 😂

    18. I love these posts more than I enjoy playing options at this point. Can’t wait to see this one unfold

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