Girthy Shrek boner incuming

    Posted by JimboDogwater


    1. Good luck brother.

      Also at least your strike makes sense. Implied move is $44ish.

      I feel like they will beat. But not sure how the market will take it.

      So no position.

    2. I was thinking of throwing 1-2k in meta puts for earning. After looking at your post, I’m feeling lucky. 😄

    3. Last Q they tanked 20% after announcing continued spend on the reality labs black hole, and nothing this Q is gonna change there.
      Not sure it’s gonna gap lower after the pullback, but highly doubt it gaps up (and stays)

    4. According_Web_8907 on

      Oh I can see the loss porn already. Well, at least they’re leaps, so I suppose there’s a chance

    5. Prometheus651 on

      lol bought a 3k position at 485C for this Friday… feeling a bit better about that after seeing this. Expecting the gap up on good earnings. The R&D spend is priced in after last Q, in my opinion.

    6. LAcityworkers on

      After the market response to Googles spending you didn’t think maybe metaverse free spending zuckerberg might pull something similar and buy a put, 1 put or 1 put spread 400-380 ?

    7. BuySlySellSlow on

      Damn it, Jimbo! Makes my decision tougher. I like META and have calls. But was thinking of selling before earnings… I feel like the market may react poorly. I think AI expectations are set WAYYY too high this time around.

    8. Sharp-Direction-6894 on

      Out of curiosity, what amount of your portfolio are these positions?

    9. Meta and Tesla are the only Mag 7 stocks I don’t have a share of, probably gonna get one of Meta when I can, but Tesla? I’m not touching that untamely beast.

    10. Redditaccount2322 on

      Good luck. META beating and raising would be hugely bullish for my portfolio. I’m out on META currently. Respect the balls to toss $100k into leaps rather than shares. I’ve gotten fucked so hard the last two weeks that I might as well do the same.

      What’s leading to the bullishness with the Goog earnings hitting / beating on most metrics and getting dicked in AH? I bought that dip and am holding quite a bit of amzn now as well.

    11. CasulaScience on

      I’m a huge options noob, is this 170k for ~$500k per dollar the stock goes above $500 before Sept 20? (200k shares on the first option and 290k shares on the second option)

    12. Prepare your Wendys Application Regard![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    13. Meta will tank on earnings after 6-8 quarters of big moves higher in earnings it’s that time where analysts estimates have become too optimistic and must come back to earth.

    14. I have a lot of stock tied up in Meta so I sincerely hope you’re right. Good luck

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