Sit back and get comfortable my fellow regards, this is probably the most effort I’ll put into a social media post in my entire life.

    There’s a laundry list of reasons why Tesla should be valued at about 10% of what it currently is, but I’m going to focus on the TWO biggest reasons.

    REASON 1: 

    Autonomy / Full Self Driving / Robotaxis

    Elon himself has emphasized multiple times that “If you don’t believe that Tesla will solve autonomy, you should not be invested in Tesla.” So let’s look at the progress!

    Currently FSD is still a high-functioning Level 2 system (which is why Elon was told by his lawyers he has to call it “Supervised Full Self Driving”) — it’s great at simple routes and highway driving but still struggles to read signage and already has a growing list of fatal and serious accidents caused by the software not recognizing certain scenarios. Many of these accidents would have been prevented had Tesla decided to integrate LIDAR sensors into it’s vehicles which can detect physical objects rather than just relying on 1 Meg cameras to determine if a certain color and shape is a physical object or not. Elon, however, has said that LIDAR is “a fool’s errand” and all who decide to use it for self-driving are “doomed”. 

    Guess who the world leader is in Robotaxi technology right now? If you guessed Waymo/Google, you’d be correct! Guess who uses a plethora of LIDAR and other sensors on their vehicles? Waymo? Correct again! 

    Waymo operates what most would consider to be Level 4 robotaxis in San Francisco, Phoenix, and LA to considerable success (from a consumer standpoint, NOT a profitability one). They exist! Now! I know people who have rode in them and I’ve seen a few in person myself — they are truly impressive. And they are also geofenced into those cities with full mapping of all the streets inside them. And guess what, sometimes they still screw up! The technology has for sure gotten very close, but even with all that investment from Google and with the absolute best technology we can use right now, it still has its edge case limitations. 

    But don’t worry guys! In this most recent Q2 earnings call, Elon said he would be shocked if Tesla didn’t solve full autonomy next year! 

    Just like he said last year. And the year before that. And the year before that. And the year before that. And also the year before that. Oh and also the year before that when he said a Model 3 would be a great investment because you would be able to use it as a robotaxi and it would earn you money using the existing hardware. You know, the hardware version 3 that is a already being stiffed on the most recent FSD updates.

    The liability risk of a "Robotaxi" that has to have an intervention even once every 1000 miles is astronomically high. In fact, even with that theoretical improvement the technology Tesla has right now is still lightyears away from being good enough to safely operate driverless. Let alone being the "world leader" in autonomy.

    Either you believe that Tesla has just been perfecting their craft in the background and will somehow create AI perfect enough to not need LIDAR, and still be better than the actual robotaxis on the road right now with zero testing of a real product yet,,,

    OR you can just call bullshit.

    REASON 2:

    Wait, other companies can make EVs too? Wait, HOW MANY GPUs ARE MICROSOFT AND META BUYING?? (Competition)

    Now, the EV markets been pretty terrible recently right? Wellllll, for Tesla sure, but the market for EVs is still very much rising! Legacy auto (and even startups like Rivian and Lucid) are starting to make extremely compelling models at extremely competitive prices, and they are only going to get more efficient. All the while, Tesla hasn’t updated their S3XY lineup in any meaningful way for years now, and their newest product is by all accounts going to be a complete shit show after the hype wears off. I could write an entire separate post on the Cybertruck, but I'll just let r/CyberStuck do the talking for that one.

    By the numbers, for the past few quarters Tesla’s sales have been declining YoY. You know what should help that out though? Elon going full red pill and endorsing Trump! Hell yeah, surely that will rally his big Republican customer base! 

    Case in point, Tesla sales in California have plummeted and that’s BEFORE the endorsement.

    “BUT u/Thieveslanding, TESLA IS AN AI AND ROBOTICS COMPANY!!!”

    Um, right.

    As we all know, Big Tech has been in an AI Gold Rush and Nvidia has been selling them the shovels and pickaxes. It’s somewhat of an arms race of computing power, and generally speaking the more top-line GPUs you have the more you are able to feed and process information and generally train your AI — that’s why NVDA can’t sell enough because as far as most people's understanding goes: more GPUs = more gooder AI.

    With that being said, who has actually been winning? Well if you look at the leaderboard, dang. Looks like Meta and Microsoft are currently beating out Tesla by a MAGNITUDE OF TEN. Little bit concerning for a company that’s supposed to have the most advanced AI in the world, no? 

    That’s okay though, even if Tesla doesn’t have the best AI I’m sure Elon knows EXACTLY who to turn to in order to become the world leader. Oh, how convenient it’s his own private startup company xAI! It’s a great thing the shareholders voted to dilute the stock in order to give Elon $50 billion worth of more shares in Tesla, who else would be able to provide such masterful guidance? This company has missed earnings for four consecutive quarters now, and time is running out for Musk to pull the rabbit out of his hat.

    Don’t even get me started on Optimus. It takes ten seconds of research to see that Tesla does NOT have “the most advanced humanoid robot in the world”. Everyone and their mother has seen videos of Boston Dynamics robots doing parkour, and the best we’ve seen from Optimus is faked demos with human control and the thing picking up and putting down battery cells. Good thing one of the most upvoted questions on the last earnings call was “What kind of accessories will come with Optimus?”

    Jesus. Christ.


    You know that scene in The Big Short where Mark Baum is in the strip club asking questions about the stripper’s mortgage and then she tells him she owns 4 houses?

    That’s exactly what it feels like spending an extended period of time on Tesla Twitter (or X if you have a small pp). Just look at accounts like CuriousPejjy , Ayden Miller , and Dalton Brewer — and especially their Reply-Guys.

    Just a few interactions will have your For You feed crawling with this deranged cabal; everything from Hopium-fueled chart “experts”, FSD-truthers, Elon cultists, and a fair share of what (I hope) are bots. I strongly encourage anyone thinking about making a play to see for themselves.


    Save yourself the trouble and get out of this sinking ship of a company. They are being outmaneuvered on almost every front, with the only thing keeping the stock afloat being the autonomy pipe dream. Ironically, one of the only things that might save them is a certain executive departure that would also tank the stock price…

    POSITION: -33 shares @ $213 avg

    TSLA Bulls are the most gullible group of investors of all time.
    byu/Thieveslanding inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Thieveslanding


    1. The_Juice_Gourd on

      The problem is even if TSLA is a complete fraud, Elon will just come up with another grand lie to blow up your puts.

    2. GringottsWizardBank on

      Elon represents the exact opposite of what I want from the leadership of a public company.

    3. Dude, Elon Musk is betting on becoming the space and transportation oligarch.

      A Trump win means he’ll be getting some juicy space  X contracts and some serious regulatory and judicial help for Tesla and Twitter.

      You and me will be paying for his Mars mission orgasm.

    4. Your write up is good for the garbage.

      The market cares about companies that can make money AT SCALE.

      Waymo cannot make money at scale.
      Rivian cannot make money at scale.
      Lucid cannot make money at scale.

      Elon doesn’t need to be on time with FSD or Robots, he just has to be right.

      There is no other company that can scale ANY of the technologies Tesla is competing in.

      Energy, EVs, Robotics. It doesn’t matter how good your product is, if you cannot supply the demand you’re dead. If you cannot turn a profit, you’re dead.

      Regards on WSB fail to understand these tenets. They aren’t up for debate. They are the only things that matter.

      Again just in case you forgot

      If the company you’re analyzing MUST be able to 1. Scale. 2. Turn a profit.

      Until that happens, Elon has all the time in the world. End of story.

    5. ShriekingMuppet on

      Another fun feature of tesla, a significant portion of its income is just selling carbon offset credits. Seems like an odd thing for an AI company to have to do for revenue.

    6. Tsla calls only….elon musk has some sort of voodoo magic on tsla….it goes down and it comes right back up.

    7. Sit back and get comfortable my fellow regards, you’re back to watch me panic sell my short when the position moves against me in the first week

    8. Uhh

      You forget GayME

      And BaBBY

      And FaFo-IE

      And all the other moron stocks that people pile into lol

    9. Underrating the supercharger network. It’s absolutely massive that they got those down first. Only reason these other companies make successful EV’s is because Elon let everyone in on their patents. Made them public. Model Y was the best selling car in 2023. I think you are overrating the importance of FSD and robotaxis. You’re thinking too short term, Tesla isn’t going anywhere and neither are EV’s

    10. You forgot one thing: TSLA makes the best EVs in a time where EVe are the clear path forward.


    11. Elon is absolutely full of shit but he’s a AAA master grifter and pump and dumper.

      You cant use logic with TSLA. We all know it’s a car company but all Elon has to do is pump it with lies and it’s so manipulated and leveraged to the tits with options that it always has to ability to move wildly for no reason at all.

      It can f your longs. It can f your shorts. Tsla is a wild mfer

    12. You’re drastically underestimating their driving tech. No other car manufacturer can drive from point A to point B on its own, but Tesla can. Their latest 12.5 FSD is trained on a nural network and is 100% hands free. It’s still level 2 because of liability and having drivers just in case. Even Waymo has to be rescued by humans daily because automated driving is really hard.

      They also own the largest charging network now accessible to Ford and Rivian with others joining to be rescued from network hell.

      Finally their energy sector prints money. Replacing entire power plants and collecting on that forever.

    13. Waymo’s cost $170k to make with all the bells and whistles, including the unnecessary LIDAR. And they only have a few hundred vehicles. Tesla’s on the other hand only cost $30k to make and when they figure it out with a simple software update they will have 5 million robotaxis on the road. Waymo will literally go out of business the day Elon releases a truly autonomous robotaxi. They won’t be able to charge as low a price per ride as Tesla and they’ll never make a profit with the cost per unit.

    14. However bad Tesla bulls are, bears who spends this much time on a company they’re not invested in are just as bad. Being this mad about a company’s success is the stock market equivalent of a fragile ego. Spend your time finding great companies to invest in instead.

    15. New-Disaster-2061 on

      My big problem is just the valuations. People are placing crazy valuation on things that make no sense. Even in the best case scenario right now for robo taxi and full self driving I don’t think you can come up with a market cap even close. Ubers value is around 133 billion and that is with a p/e of a hundred for a company not really growing much anymore. I just don’t see the case for a 750 billion company even if everything goes the way they plan

    16. ipromiseimcool on

      Elon is the only CEO who can post a deep fake of a presidential candidate and the stock goes up. Makes no sense.

    17. BoxCivil8737 on

      Elon is master stock market manipulator. He plays the game to well ultimately I believe this stock in short term is headed back to $180 it will be a volatile ride. He will drop information at times when the stocks is losing momentum etc

    18. CommunismDoesntWork on

      Waymo relies on HD maps and geo fencing. They’re basically trying to hard code a solution. They’re so far behind Tesla it’s not funny. 

    19. >TSLA Bulls are the most gullible group of investors of all time.

      Says group of people which predicted Tesla bankruptcy every year from 2009 to 2021. Then “eminent bankruptcy” changed to “grossly overvalued” at 50B valuation.

      cOMpetiTion iS coMinG!!!

      TeSLa wILL neVeR EveR beCOme prOFItable,

    20. Tesla is doing more than any other company to build and sell the “ you will own nothing and be happy” future while its ceo does his based Elon thing.

    21. You’re absolutely right, and that is why you will lose.tsla doesn’t follow the laws of physics; Tesla investors truly believe in their heart of hearts that FSD is right around the corner. This is a century old tale of trying to invest with your head and getting wrecked.

    22. If Tesla can pivot from building stupid toys and focus on upgrading and heavily manufacturing their consumer models 3 and Y while investing into their energy storage business there is a bull case for them being the leader in energy production and storage for AI centers.

      Of course these are big ifs but they are slowly growing the percentage of revenue generated from their energy services.

    23. Show me your money, because every anti Tesla Stan, no matter how right they are, is penniless from shorting Tesla

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