I’m probably the least likely person to ever be a conspiracy theorist. I’ve spent decades arguing against people spinning up theories and plans and evil schemes in their head to explain what obviously has a simpler explanation.

    But it can’t be a coincidence that all of a sudden, tons and tons of bearish articles on NVDA started to come out around the same time as bearish posts on NVDA started to come out on this sub. You may say that this sentiment follows price and that this is obvious since price is going down.

    However, this started happening during NVDA’s rise. Motley Fool, a company known for stock picks, suddenly started discussing a potential drop on NVDA’s price by more than 50% while the price was near 140 which was at its ATH. I will post the article in the comments since I’m not sure it allows me to include it in this post.

    Can you name me one good reason why a company known for stock picks decides to put out an article detailing an unrealistic drop of 50% a day before we hit 140 on June 19? It’s manipulation plain and simple. Don’t forget Cramer today posting on his Twitter that we need further dread in the market as well.

    They did the same with Apple talking down on it for a year discussing unrealistic price targets down below only for the price to never get close to them. The reality is that we’re likely near the bottom already and the last few weeks were just a way to load up on calls.

    NVDA 135 C 9/6

    Wall Street is creating bearish sentiment to load up on NVDA calls before earnings. Don’t fall for it.
    byu/btctrader12 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by btctrader12


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    2. Dude nvda most likely play under 120 until earnings I presume. And yeah I lost but with call options still hoping it will go up.

    3. At some point, people take profits. When the whales do, it causes other nvda holders to get stopped out and they in turn have to sell. Some of the funds aren’t allowed to hold too much of the stock once it hits a certain level.

    4. wasifaiboply on

      This post stinks of confirmation bias and frankly, desperation, from a user whose name is “btctrader12.” Listen to anything in it with a healthy dose of skepticism and caution.

      !remindme 1 month

    5. Look at NVDA’s one year chart and quit being so stupid. It was bound to come back to earth at some time.

    6. Wall Street competes against itself, not you. Conspiracies aside, cutbacks prior to earnings are due to volatility scares. Nows a great time to go long on options dated a month or two out.

    7. Savedacat_saveplanet on

      I’m absolutely about to load up on calls. Planning to wait for 100 but I might get an itchy trigger finger..

    8. Scary_Larry_ on

      I’ve been a little confused as to why there’s 272k open interest on the $280 strike for sep 20th. Are these literally just regards buying lotto tickets or am I missing something here

    9. tragedy_strikes on

      The AI hype is the stock prices main driver. People are rightfully pointing out the limitations of AI aren’t matching the hype but more importantly don’t have any clear avenues to improving in a meaningful way. Not to mention the costs of running AI are wildly unprofitable. Nvidia is having their moment in the sun but the future outlook is not clear.

    10. Beneficial-Active917 on

      You are absolutely right. That’s not a conspiracy theory. That’s a well known tactic of stock market manipulation, practiced for decades.

    11. OrdinaryNGamer on

      “btctrader12” that’s enough for me to call u an absolutely regard. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    12. Electrical_Trash_992 on

      I’m not reading all that. I’m happy for you. Or sorry that happened.

    13. Name-Initial on

      I hate to break it to you, but you are not the least likely person to fall for a conspiracy theory. You just created a conspiracy theory my dude.

    14. SufficientNet9227 on

      My boy is getting his first baby steps into the red pilling.

      Good job.

    15. Do you mean crime and shady stuff by Wallstreet? Nah, that never happens . No no no. You are lying lying lyingggggggg

    16. TeacherConscious501 on

      Don’t forget Motley Fool is the National Enquirer of stock reporting. They sell subscriptions by setting people’s hair on fire and then changing directions 2 minutes later. Don’t listen to these asshats.

    17. NVDA has a great product but not every house will have their own AI server, competition will put pressure on cost and eventually the stock is gonna take a hit.

    18. Orangevol1321 on

      There is a gap on the daily timeframe at the 97.40/96.77 area they need to hit. Just keep that in mind.

    19. Real_Crab_7396 on

      Big boys are playing games, tomorrow rate cuts and no one will expect insane green candles.
      You heard it here first

    20. It’s very possible. I do think the market has realized that monetization of AI is years away and the hype has already been priced in. Having said that, I do think once NVDA reports, the excitement will be back.

    21. I don’t know stocks good but if it goes down it supposed to go up yes????? but not going up why??

    22. > Motley Fool, a company known for stock picks

      Technically true, but very generous of you to say OP

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