Microsoft Q4 Report

    Posted by ZiRoRi


    1. What’s amazing is that chart is the fact they pay just 8% in taxes (18% on gross profits) and it’s not like they have a ton of losses they carry, they’ve been profitable for ages

    2. Fleeton_Maswood on

      Damn! $6.8B to get tied up, whipped, and gagged? Didn’t know bill was so damn kinky..

    3. I remember not understanding why MSFT bought LinkedIn. There is a reason I’m a poor!

    4. tychus-findlay on

      Damn this is pretty surprising how evenly spread that revenue is, LinkedIn generates more than I would have expected compared to cloud and PC

    5. retard_trader on

      Company has a nearly 30% profit margin and a multitrillion dollar market cap and goes down on an ER beat lol……

    6. How the fuck does LinkedIn generate that much revenue. Also, I didn’t know Microsoft owns LinkedIn.

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