30k drop and not even on my regarded account


    Posted by xTooGoDLy


    1. Savings-Act8 on

      July is historically the best month on record for equities… wait until August ☠️🪦

    2. SuspiciousStress1 on

      So much hasn’t been trading “right,” so much has been a$$ backwards, trust me, have had a similar month

    3. There are several ways to minimize your exposure to capital gains taxes. You’ve found one of them.

    4. Everything is on sale right now. I can place a single LEAP and still be fine with taking a discount.

    5. randomusername8821 on

      This is not even a loss. This is just a normal pullback following general market conditions. Did you even gamble? GTFO of here and go join r/stocks u wannabe regard

    6. Appropriate_Ice_7507 on

      Need to see you -99.99%. Otherwise I can’t come ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

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