I was the 🀑 all along


    Posted by Forsaken-Reference49


    1. TBF You should have won that one. They had a triple miss.Β 

      But it was already around 52 week low, and it’s not like MCD is going out of business.

    2. Not a clown. You were smart and logical. But the market is heavily manipulated by the medias banks and asset management companies and so it treats you like a clown.

    3. ILL_bopperino on

      Bro, I don’t get it, I went for a deeeeeep put at 240, but also, they had a shitty earnings call, the rest of the market tanked for like 2-3 days, and McDs went up? It makes no goddamn sense!

      heartbreaking, but I am still holding, mine expire 9/20

    4. Ironic betting against the place you’ll be eating at the most in the coming months.

    5. In betting against the golden arches, I came to realize that it was I, not Ronald, who was the true clown.

    6. Bro used logic in the stock market and bet against a company with bad earnings to drop.

      Sir we don’t use logic here.

    7. Shot_Statistician249 on

      For what it’s worth I thought this whole year puts were the way to go on MCD. Sorry bro better luck next time

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