Learned about $asts from this sub in 2022. I’m not regarded enough for options.


    Posted by turls98


    1. DiscombobulatedShoe on

      I’m trying not to fomo in. Just gonna DCA. Wish I had bought under $3 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    2. garlar_BarTab on

      I learned about it at $5 the day before it went to $10 because of the Verizon contract. Never bought and now saw this today. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    3. Glass_Mango_229 on

      Almost identical to my position but I’ve been trimming on the way up so I’m down to 3300 shares.

    4. FamilyMan7826 on

      Same here. I remember a guy wanting to pump it up so he could be a millionaire because of it. I bought at about $7 then, piled on more as it crashed and wish I would have hammered it when it was at $2. I got about 800 shares at 4.23.

      This might be in triple digits in a few years.

    5. What app is this? Have seen various posts being screenshots of this app. Must be good since lots of people use it.

    6. TheMushroomGuy on

      Wow. I was in @ 12, sold at 18. Wish I would have held. Hoping for a dip after earnings so I can get back in! Great stock, but time will tell if they can deliver.

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