-10 000 realized loss the day before an historic +15% on NVDA. And I held those calls for weeks…

    These contracts are now worth double..


    Posted by very-social-autist


    1. WeatherAgreeable1891 on

      I had AAPL 200c 6/20 on my watchlist in early May- didn’t fully trust that it would hit but wanted to keep an eye on it. Would have been a 20x play. Just learn to remember and trust your thesis- if it was good enough to put money behind, it’s good enough to be uncomfortable for. Best of luck

    2. Well, this is definitely worth some revenge trade! Ride the wave my brother, it has just started

    3. I sold my nke calls today I waited a month for it to rebound a little but no luck now it will go over 80 next week.

    4. lavenderviking on

      You can always buy them back. It’s not like these contracts don’t exist anymore!

    5. Thansungst22 on

      Thanks for selling bro I got NVDA 120c before close and now it already ITM ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    6. Plus_Seesaw2023 on

      So short it now to recoup some losses 🤷 😅

      Or just short crypto, it wants to crash so hard… 🤷

    7. Hindsight is 20/20.
      Easy for everyone to come down on you now AFTER the fact.
      But the truth is many people have been panic selling for a few days.
      Hope you make that money back in some other way.

    8. same happened to me, but i only realized a $1000 loss. bought puts yesterday morning only for it to reverse and i realized another $2000 loss. hoping to ride the wave tomorrow and make it all back with 1DTE calls.

    9. Why did you even sell these????? You could’ve sold some calls to make it a calendar spread with that much time.

    10. Thats what you get for beeing a paper handed bitch.
      When you buy options, it’s either sell at a profit or ride em till Valhalla.

    11. It’s okay I sold my contracts for a 100% gain when it could’ve been a 300% gain.

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