TLDR: Grandma died 2 months ago. Left me $800k inheritance. I'm only a junior in college as a math major and I don't really have any use for the money, nor do I have any debt (I'm very fortunate that my parents are paying for my education). I always heard about people losing their inheritance by spending it on garbage instead of investing. So I told my parents I'm not going to spend a cent of this money and I'm going to invest all of it and they were proud of me. I put 100k into a high yield savings account and bought 700k worth of Intel stock at market open. I plan on holding this for a decade depending on how it performs.

    Here's why I like Intel:

    • 2024 Q1 up 9% YOY

    • Intel has been heavily investing and restructuring by building out the domestic foundry business to manufacture semiconductor chips for third party companies.

    • With Intel 3 in production, leading-edge semiconductors are being manufactured in the US for the first time in a decade. Intel will regain process leadership as the Intel Foundry continues to grow.

    • I think the fact that Intel is positioning itself to be the largest semiconductor manufacturer in the US is massive. The US Gov is heavily prioritizing domestic semiconductor production and thus is heavily supporting Intel as a company with R&D funding.

    • If NVIDIA or AMD are ever forced to change manufacturers due to rising tensions/war between China & Taiwan, Intel will likely be a sole or largest manufacturer for NVIDIA and AMD

    • Intel has been heavily investing in R&D. 5.9B out of 12.7B of Q124 revenue was invested in R&D.

    • Intel is on track to exceed its forecast of 40 million AI PCs shipped by the end of 2024

    • The Intel Gaudi 3AI accelerator is projected to deliver 50% faster inference and 40% greater inference power efficiency than NVIDIA H100 on leading AI models.

    • Trading at Forward PE of 17.05

    • Geopolitical tensions will ultimately work in Intel's favor more than any other company in this industry

    • I like the stock and I think its really cheap rn 🙂

    I bought $700k worth of Intel stock today
    byu/Sad_Nefariousness10 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Sad_Nefariousness10


    1. Do they have a math class at your college called, “Putting all you eggs in one basket 101”?

    2. FunZookeepergame1308 on

      Investing is the way to go obviously with an inheritance like that; I would’ve looked at r/Bogleheads to use that money smarter…

    3. BendBoth8971 on

      Parents going to cry when they found out OP spent all 700k on intel instead of $HOE

    4. Dang… had you woken up yesterday morning, dropped your $700K on ASTS, by the end of the day you would have had a ONE DAY gain of $115,640 if my math/thought process is right (16.52% jump)

    5. Intel is about to be sued into oblivion and reputation further tarnished for extremely defective, unfixable 13th and 14th gen CPUs

      If they can’t even get an x86 product out the door, you think they can deliver a next-gen AI product? HAHAHA

    6. ScipioAfricanusMAJ on

      Very fucking stupid. Intel isn’t doing anything for 5 years. And I used to work there.

    7. HyrulianAvenger on

      You bought the worst performing semiconductor company ahhhh hshshsh ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    8. dark_bravery on

      i’m bagholding 2000 shares here reporting for duty!

      unless you have some inside information (Nancy) you may want to sell this and get into an ETF like QQQ, SPY, etc.

      if you keep it, i’ll follow you and who knows, maybe this will be over $1M before year end. godspeed!

    9. noobtrader28 on

      jesus christ, the cancellations of factories and recent 10,000 layoff should give you hints of their situation. Sure you can invest in intel but dont YOLO into earnings. But good luck

    10. dam intel is at ~~$30~~ $29?

      I remember when I “liked the stock” at $50, good thing I didn’t buy it

    11. Vod_Kanockers2 on

      Don’t have any use for the money![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) go fuck yourself

    12. OR you could have not been regard and just put it in a boring HY and collect 2100 a month ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    13. Literally close this position leave it in your brokerage so you get interest and learn about portfolio management and finance. This is a bad long term play as intel is waaaaay behind on their transistor technology like years. You are better off throwing this all into asts if you want to wait 10 years for a massive pay off, best case intel like doubles, but for smaller stocks with huge growth potential you could get larger returns with less capital at risk.

      You say your a math major? Well see if you can get a refund from your school cuz you can even do basic shit. Bro is gonna waste a literal golden opportunity to never have to work again

    14. lol guy puts 700k into Intel and doesn’t know they just fucked up their chips which is one reason among many their screwed in the long term

    15. Why didnt you make this post before you invested in INTC, could have stopped you from making a huge mistake… Should have just invested it in etf tracking the overal market…

    16. Id never enter this kind of money into the market right now before the election.

      Put half, at least, into the S&P 500 so that you know you will have gains in your future at some point. Unless you are going hard at research,
      The 500 is the simplest and best move to make for a plain old investment that will work out good at some point in time as long as you have time.

    17. Ngl this is regarded. Out of all the stocks you basically go all in on a stock that doesn’t move

    18. Low-Pollution-530 on

      Grandma thinking – make smart decisions for decades and save incredible inheritance for my grandkids.

      Grandkid thinking – rather than DCA into intel or diversifying the portfolio, how about yolo before earning? 🫡

    19. GenericUser4104 on

      Dude stop it. Stupid. My INTC bags are heavy but they’re nothing compared to the bags you’re going to be holding. Your grandma sacrificed to save that money for you. Don’t shit on her.

    20. NoTransportation2899 on

      Dude. Sell this and put it in index funds.

      Do not waste your grandmas gift on chance.

    21. darktidelegend on


      If it drops because of this earnings just hold

      Do not sell at a loss

      It’ll rebound by end of year

      Stick with your 5-10 year plan

      Once all the factories go online In that 10 yr time period they will be a titan of industry again

      So whatever happens tomorrow stick to your 10 year plan

      Forget you own it for 5 years come back and see if you want to hold another 5 or move it to what looks good at that time

      In 5 years the landscape and potential will have changed for most companies but Intel will rise

      I currently no stock right now
      This isn’t advice
      Just my opinion

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