10-2 year treasury yield curve is about to un-invert.


    Posted by zulufux999


    1. Loaded up on TMF leaps the other day. Expect >5% unemployment by end of year and calls of recession increasing.

    2. adamasimo1234 on

      History shows a recession typically follows.. if a recession does occur this is where millionaires are made afterwards for those that have been waiting for a dip.

    3. ContentSheepherder33 on

      Isn’t this just normal? Longer term bonds should yield higher interest than shorter. You guys freaked out when it inverted, and now freak out again?

    4. Appropriate_Ice_7507 on

      Wonder if the long end of the curve will actually go up instead of down like most people are believing.

    5. AdventurousCowMooo on

      People always forget that “Bulls only thrive in the warm weather and blooming summers but it’s only the BERS who SURVIVE when the HARSH COLD RUSSIAN WINTER HITS!”

    6. Inevitable_Pilot1353 on

      Wow. Wall Street bets finally checks some charts that aren’t on their brokers most active stocks list. Been hedged on this with gold and silver for years now. And I’m still going to stack physical

    7. Recession this recession that. Okay. But interest rates are about to start going down making it easier for companies to stay afloat with lower cost loans. The economy is so strong. Unemployment is really low. What would be the cause of the recession? It’s just a correlational pattern. Not a cause.

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