Oh hell no Puts on Ford 🤣


    Posted by AsshhhHo


    1. ChangeUserNameOMG on

      “Wanna be a snitch? Our new and improved technology includes top tier snitching equipment. Now you can snitch and ditch without them knowing who is who and which is which. Report them to the popo and let gogo. Desclaimer, terms and conditions apldndhsjsnxxvshjeibx” LOLS

    2. WolfKittenTigerPuppy on

      Judge: Officer, you wrote this ticket because a Ford told you the car was speeding? And you were miles away and didn’t witness it yourself? Case dismissed.

    3. sigh, confirmed:


      edit: wait until you see what Europe is doing:


      > **How do speed limiters work?**

      > The speed limiter technology, called Intelligent Speed Assistant (ISA) uses GPS data and/or traffic-sign-recognition cameras to determine the maximum speed allowed in an area. The system then limits the engine’s power and the vehicle’s speed to that limit.

      > The speed limiter will send haptic, audio, and visual warnings until you start driving within the speed limits.

      > You can override the system by pressing hard on the accelerator, but the system will reactivate every time the car is started.

    4. You probably would have to add this as an option. Wouldn’t surprise me if it’s a feature made for employers to monitor company cars.

    5. FattyCorpuscle on

      Time to invest in auto body repair shops. Lotta people gonna be getting their Fords keyed.

    6. No-Nectarine-1405 on

      I knew it 10 years ago that this was going to be a reality that you car will snitch on you. Next they’ll record all your conversations and measure your eye movements. Wake up, people.

    7. jasikanicolepi on

      I mean they could easily implant this through a software update. They probably have this already written into their code, all it takes is a key stroke to activate the command.

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