I took a break from trading for a while, but used my money I got from my last paycheck on Thursday Morning to Purchase Spy & and Tesla Puts. They paid off yesterday and today.


    Posted by TMTGGJack


    1. LightMission4937 on

      Nice. If you want to be real bad ass….turn my buck 29 into 5k. 🤷🏽 I’ll give you half.

    2. InfinityAndBelow on

      I’d have pulled this off too if I held my NVDA 120/115 puts. Instead I sold them for like $175 in profits yesterday morning at open. At NVDA’s lowest point today I’d have made $12k…

    3. Can someone please give me an actual resources that’s easily digestible to understand how to place Puts and Calls. I’ve watched and read so much. Yet I still struggle with placing them

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