In regards to the biggest regard putting all in intel (I still believe its satire and he faked it) – if you decide to buy into 1 stock only, serious question:

    Which one would you pick and why?

    I think I’d personally go with Google….

    Or if I am nervous something like Novartis….or even Lindt!

    What about you regards?

    Imagine getting a 700k inheritance….and you HAVE to put it in 1 stock! Which one would you pick and why?
    byu/Putrid_Cry19 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Putrid_Cry19


    1. throwaway_0x90 on

      The responsible thing to do is to put it in $SPY and just theta-wheel for a decade.

      But if it has to be a company, not an ETF, then I guess Amazon/META/Google/Apple/BRK.B

    2. Character-Slip-9374 on

      After the mother of all dumps for a mega cap it’s a no brainer Intel. But I’d sell as soon as it goes up a % that’s a literal 7000 gain

    3. Can’t, won’t stop the stock that can’t be named.

      (Also, the mods here are poop)

    4. LordCambuslang on

      Equinor. There’ll always be another oil and gas price rise in the future. Decent dividend while you wait. Norwegian government will never let this company die.

    5. MisterMonsPubis on

      And here I am having to kick in to pay for Granny’s casket.

      I was gonna use those funds to buy INTC.

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