I bought 740 shares at cost basis of 35 and convinced my parents to buy 1250 at the cost basis of 45 also convicend my gf to buy 150 at 30. Now I just hope they dont ever look at their portfolios again until 2027

    Lost 11K my own, 30K for my parents and 2K for my gf. Thanks Pat.
    byu/Mag_Meyreddit inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Mag_Meyreddit


    1. AccomplishedAd8286 on

      Thanks to yourself, you fucked them all.
      A gambler cannot beat the Casino…

    2. Only_Constant_8305 on

      I’m so glad I’m not the OP lol. Unless your parents are filthy rich that those 30k won’t really make much of a difference

    3. VodkaMart1ni on

      Die eigene Kohle zu verlieren ist das eine, ist mir auch passiert, 12K Wildcard weg. Daran hatte ich zu knabbern inkl. Selbstmitleid.

      Aber Kohle der Eltern + GF zu verbrennen würde mich schwerer treffen.

    4. Interesting_Ghosts on

      Literally 0 benefit to suggest an “investment” to friends and family. If it goes well, ultimately it was them who decided to make the buy and will only give you partial credit, if they lose then you are the asshole who made them lose money

    5. EmployeeConfident776 on

      Are you the Americunt ppl who only watch TV and never travel outside of the Divided States of Amerika? – Asked a Europoor gay in Dutchland.

    6. AmbassadorAwkward071 on

      I still don’t understand what everybody was thinking about pushing Intel the company has been declining for a long time along with the share prices

    7. When I saw the unemployment numbers post and the top comment was “And 15k of that was from Intel”. I knew we became meme stock status.

    8. Otherwise_Job_8215 on

      I’ve stopped counting losses at this point. I’ve become them to it because fuck me. I’ll just keep buying shares in my Roth IRA and keep under $700 in my account for option losing

    9. SaladFighterrr on

      Are you guys ok mentally? Wild that you convinced other family members to dump money into a single stock…. Just buy index funds, Jesus Christ.

    10. What a way to be fucked ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    11. The stock looked bad all across the board if you analyzed just the financial statements. Sorry for your losses, though.

    12. Lol yea, I told my bro I thought it was a good stock and he dropped like 800.. probably worth 200 now.

      Fortunately that’s muchhh less than what your family did, and quite an inconsequential amount to him, so it’s just something he rags on me for now. But yea – Intel dude.. the widowmaker.

      At least your grandma seems in effected.

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