Can't spiraling intel be saved by Nvidia? Intel owns some ASML share, atleast that should amount to something right?….

    Why won't Nvidia buy Intel?
    byu/Mother-Platform-1778 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Mother-Platform-1778


    1. AdventurousCowMooo on

      There’s a very small chance for Intel to fail as much as people think it will. It’s one of those companies that’s basically fail-proof or too big to fail. I would say there’s gonna be some red days but recovery later.

    2. Intel is trash. There’s a reason why nvidia wanted to buy ARM. They knew it is better.

    3. larrylegend1990 on

      What does Nvidia gain from this? Intel doesn’t do anything better than their competitors.

    4. Illustrious_Hotel527 on

      Nvidia would have to deal with antitrust investigations from the US and EU. They’d also have to absorb the $50B in debt Intel has. Not worth the headache and likely wouldn’t be approved anyway.

    5. I think eventually the U.S. government will force Intel to be broken up and sold in pieces to more competent semiconductor companies. They did this to banks in the 2008 crisis, and this is now becoming a national security issue.

      Right now, everyone is waiting to 2026/2027 to see if their new nodes and foundries will actually work, but I have no confidence that they can pull it off even with their “Engineer CEO” at the helm; the culture is toxic, no innovation, tough recruiting top engineering talent, and it’s just too bloated for anyone to absorb them whole.

      The faster the U.S. government moves to break them up, the better the outcome. AMD, Nvidia, Qualcomm, Applied Materials, Texas Instruments, etc etc would pick up the best performing segments and let the rest of Intel die the death it truly deserves, it’s been a blemish on the entire U.S. semiconductor industry.

    6. NVIDIA according to the last report has around 32B in cash, to buyout Intel there is around 200B needed.

    7. gnarby_thrash on

      Nvidia is going to be mid as fuck once F500 builds their data centers and isn’t bulk buying chips anymore. They don’t have a real long term plan and buying intel would mean forcing them to make a long term plan.

    8. ThisKarmaLimitSucks on

      NVidia has got a good thing going with TSMC. They have the best fab on Earth on speed dial and they can just order what they need to. No spending $20B to build the fab, no maintaining the fab, no billions spent on process R&D… just pay what you need to, when you need to do it.

      It’s also less risky than tethering yourself to an internal fab. Right now, if TSMC starts sucking, they could just switch to Samsung. If your internal fab starts sucking, like Intel, then you’re just shackled to a corpse.

      The only way the vertically integrated design + fab business model works, is if you design both leading-edge products and maintain a leading-edge fab (OG Intel strategy). Then you can earn top dollar to pay for both, and can take advantage of the efficiencies of having a custom in-house fab that you’re always first in line for.

      But on the whole, fabless is just a less risky endeavor, and it’s why the industry has pivoted that way.

      I won’t even get into the anti-trust implications of selling off Intel’s fabs and patent library. It’s a major extra tangle towards finding a buyer.

      I think an Intel default is looking pretty certain at this point, so those fabs will be up for liquidation pretty soon. The path of least resistance would be for Uncle Sam to take some money printer injections and buy them out, GM style, and just keep the status quo going. Otherwise, I think the only option is for the govt is cut up Intel into several antitrust-friendly sized chunks and sell them to different semi competitors, with Intel’s creditors taking the proceeds.

    9. OptimisticRecursion on

      Because they make shitty CPUs. What intel is doing is criminal. Some defects in their chips can never be fixed, and those CPUs are in people’s computers and exposing vulnerabilities that allow criminals to steal people’s money.

    10. At this point, Nadella is probably considering buying intel. Dude has a knack for making strategic investments.

    11. Intel’s edge was owning x86 and now with more and more hardware being ARM based, it’s only downhill.

      Investing in intel would be like buying stocks for coal mines because you saw a train use coal in a movie and you read a McKinsey article on the rise of public transit.

    12. FinanceExpert1 on

      If NVDA bought INTC, they would have to fire every single person in that company to rid it of the legendary level of stupidity embedded in the culture of that company, like a vile weed.

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