Nvidia’s New AI Chip Delayed Due to Design Flaws: InformationNvidia’s New AI Chip Delayed Due to Design Flaws: Information

    • Chip-maker informed Microsoft about the delays this week
    • Big shipments of the Blackwell series delayed until Q1 2025

    August 2, 2024 at 11:37 PM EDT


    Paywall – I don't have bloomberg and i can't view the full article

    Nvidia’s New AI Chip Delayed Due to Design Flaws
    byu/oosmart inwallstreetbets

    Posted by oosmart


    1. I’ve read over 10 different threads about this piece of information.

      I wouldn’t consider it fact yet despite it being Bloomberg. Bloomberg likely has a short position in all this mayhem or is getting paid to post FUD by hesgefunds.

      Wait for an actual source.

      Nvidia prior to this journalist report said they were on track to deliver less than 30 hours prior to this article being published. Things don’t dramatically shift from on time to 3 month delay

    2. This is my question for quite sometime. NO competition yet for old chips, why NVIDIA wants to push new ones out to compete / eat-into its own cake? it’s not like the cake will be eaten by anyone else.

    3. This is amazing news!! Nvidia caught a manufacturing defect in record time and won’t have to deal with a brand damaging recall campaign like Intel has to do?

      Calls it is!

    4. Honestly i tempted to buy NVDA calls , but now I might wait to see if more selling will come

    5. NaorobeFranz on

      I bet the real issue is limited CoWos capacity from TSMC, which will hamstring production of Blackwell compared to Hopper.

    6. Wtf is this shit I’m reading where the Nvidia spokesperson says “We don’t comment on rumors”. How about you just say “No this is not true” is that not allowed? We don’t negotiate with terrorists head ass

    7. NothingFinal4956 on

      Obviously bullish but best source is the positioning of Cathie and Cramer, the GOATS. I have put spread already lmao =).

    8. Could this be one of the main reasons the stock has been so down this week? Insiders knew?

    9. What about this thiugh?
      Nvidia Spokesperson: Hopper Demand Is Very Strong, Broad Blackwell Chips Sampling Has Started, and Production Is on Track to Ramp in 2H

    10. If Nvidia goes to 90 next week, I LL have to work at Wendy’s. What do you want sir ?

    11. Can someone please give me a break down on how buying put options actually work? I understand how call options work but for some reason I’m having a hard time grasping the concept of puts and how to make money.

    12. take-a-gamble on

      If there’s a manufacturing flaw found today I’m surprised the delay is only an extra quarter. Silicon D+V+tapeout cycles are long. They must have been sitting on this information for a long time.

    13. Difficult_Pirate_782 on

      Good? I mean it’s no aircraft but I’m glad these guys have the sense to get it right before release.

    14. >A spokesperson for Nvidia wouldn’t comment on its statements to customers about the delay, according to the report, but told The Information that “production is on track to ramp” later this year.

    15. So much is consolidated into NVIDIA and big tech that if anything disrupted the supply chain the whole market would be in total collapse. There is so much geopolitical risk that could compromise any part of the process, think of where these minerals are mined, where these resources get shipped from and how their manufactured for production. We’ll continue to see an increase of conflict and proxy wars as these regions destabilize in a transfer of power. Use Taiwan for example, Sabotaging or destroying TSMC in Taiwan which is producing over 90% of the worlds advance microchips would cripple the entire sector and would set back production for years. Some would argue that China is a “Paper tiger” and not economically capable of going to war, and there dealing with a population crisis among other things. I believe that’s dismissive and hubris. When you follow the money and see that China has been dumping U.S treasuries at a staggering rate, decoupling from our economy and strengthening ties with our adversaries, posturing militarily to both Taiwan and the U.S, had head start on ramping up its military and its budget, it views the U.S as vulnerable and weak has leveraged that to their advantage. All of this is in preparation for war. China, North Korea, Russia, Iran together will continue to crowdsource resources as it will challenge the U.S global dominance. Eventually theses countries (fence riders) will have to choose between the WEST or THE REST.

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