The market was overly bearish for stupid reasons. Nvda hit 90 pre market, AMD $115, and TSLA $180. The regards were already pricing in a recession and those who were overleveraged on Japan loans liquidated. Easy dip buying opportunity. The manipulators were successful today, pumping out so much FUD it caused a dominos effect of negative news across all media platforms. Congrats on those who saw through the bullshit and bought these lows, as of now its much higher. Remember, what drives stocks up is good earning, if they are still growing and printing money a stupid overreaction sell off is a buying opportunity.

    People will look back and say they wish they bought the dip.
    byu/edp445burneracc inwallstreetbets

    Posted by edp445burneracc


    1. Echo-Possible on

      Nah market is way overvalued as measured by earnings multiple. Overdue for a deep correction and it hasn’t even started. Current PE is 27-28x and peaked at 29x and we don’t have the earnings growth to justify it. Long term median multiple is 15x. I expect the AI bubble to deflate it will be a multi years long trough as the exuberance in market deflates.

    2. The river card has flipped and everyone has shown their cards except for one person. That person is always LATE!!

    3. Usual_Leading5104 on

      Lol it doesn’t just go straight down in a line. There’s tons of regards buying each one of the many dips until they all run out of cash. Too many bulls around here still. This is one of the many dips. This bear market is just starting. Market will eventually get back to their ath but will take some time

    4. I don’t think the drop is done. This is good for the market. Don’t waste cash on weeklies. Go monthly at least

    5. Conscious_Heart_1714 on

      Or they will say, why the fuck did I buy one day into a one month downtrend

    6. fenriswulfwsb on

      Bull trap dead cat bounce. Crazy to buy into the current sentiment. We get unemployment Thursday. If that print is bad, it will drop the market again.

    7. Responsible_Bass6369 on

      They fked the bears today and then bounced back to trap the bulls lol. If we know the market could go up or down, we should be billionaires not keyboard heroes on the internet

    8. You can buy each dip. I’ll start buying again 3 months after QE. My dick isn’t getting hard until money printer go brrrrr again.

    9. burner account posting conspiracy theories, interesting

      nothing to see here, move along

    10. Longjumping-Week8761 on

      Damn .. you mean I missed the only and last dip ??? Where were you this morning to tell me to buy Oracle ???

    11. Or, alternatively, they could be sitting here three days from now thinking “fuck, I thought that was the bottom.”

    12. Even if the company is growing, that doesn’t mean that it is worth the overinflated prices that exist now. A 1.7 Trillion dollar company with earnings growth rates in the high single digits per year (Amazon) is not worth a 45 P/E ratio.

    13. people have reached maximum cope, there’s an entire category of people who want desperately to believe “line never go down” but guess what regard…line do go down. it do go down big. and right now line very much about to go down bigly for long time.

    14. TimotheusMaximus- on

      I already wish I did. However I spent all my money while it was expensive.

    15. In 2008. If you held all your stock and just waited it out, you’d have gotten it all back and then some.
      You don’t sell when the stock is on discount. You sell when the company is junk.

    16. I don’t know man.. it feels too easy that today is the bottom. It might be for a short term. But I’m not sure in the next 2-3 months.

    17. Negative-Look-4550 on

      It’s good to buy the dip, it’s better to sell at the height of the dead cat bounce.

    18. PERCEPTION of FUTURE earnings. and ppl just got news that the blackwell cards run too hot and might delay shipments. to buy the dip and be right in this market when everyone else is wrong, would still mean weathering the rest of traders thinking its more than a dip. cramer called it out – if the market opens up tuesday, people are going to use it to take their gains and send it right back down. i could see that happening even if there is economic strength, which is being questioned. massive cash and uvix. to anyone buying now, id ask why? are you obligated to? if you wait a week, are you likely to lose all your money, or is that more likely trying to catch a falling knife.

    19. HowDowsCrowTaste on

      Lol, I suspect a lot of gamblers have lost most of what they have . 🔥🔥… Crow doesn’t taste too bad .🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛… 🤣

    20. What dip? Longs only see green pastures without the daily stress.
      That said, I sold a CD and bought more of what I already believe in. Good companies with good profits.

    21. “Half of life is fucking up, the other half is dealing with it.”

      -Henry Rollins

    22. retard_trader on

      Earnings has been bad for a lot of these stocks though lol (don’t say NVDA or MSFT)

    23. the_mountaingoat on

      I disagree completely. There are many solid factors against the market right now.

      We also saw a mostly inverted yield curve today. Remember when people use to care about that?

    24. LukesLoveStick on

      BuY tHe DIp rEgArdS ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)

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