Was today the bottom?
    Is more blood on the way?


    Posted by FantasticAd9407


    1. What do you think? It fell 12% and the next day it almost completely rebounds? Corrections don’t happen that fast.

    2. aprilproam2019 on

      10% on a countries entire index and we throwing out things like bull trap bear trap, insane timeline we are in.

    3. more like 9%.

      Also me, WTF do I care about the damn Nikkei. I have to worry about this side of the pacific

    4. Serious-Net4650 on

      💯! The bounce back so hard doesn’t make sense. Another trap for retail investors. It might take 1-2 weeks to go back down there again, but I’m pretty confident it will. I maybe wrong, but hey, at least I’m logical 😂

    5. Chart-trader on

      Depends on time frame. S&P can hit 5450 and still stay bearish. NDX 100 and go to 19500 and SOXX can gain 20% and still turn again.

    6. unknownnoname2424 on

      they just turned the printer back on and started buying up the shares… all good from here till next two years probably…

    7. Gonna call tomorrow a bull trap. There is nothing the market has to go up on in the near term that would sustain a rally but bad economic news and meh earnings.

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