Buy the fucking dip!

    Posted by dazli69


    1. SPY has been going dow for like a month and there is no positivity in sight. I dont see a reason why we would change the course at this stage. There is also a chance that selloff continues since big players cant just sell all in one candle.

    2. GreenManDancing on


      not enough dicks to suck behind wendy’s dumpster, to make money to buy 0dte calls.

      Everyone’s poor now ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226).

    3. Educational-Fun7441 on

      Reddit when the man whose job it is to make predictions about an unpredictable market is not right 100% of the time ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)

    4. Secure_Copy4974 on

      does data backs up his claims? prima facie it seems correct but need to know if anyone has data to back or claim otherwise?

    5. At this point, he’s figured out that he has this super power and is doing it on purpose. 🤣

    6. this will have the dead cat bounce then lower lows sideways until it settles, cya after sept fed meeting.

    7. GlueSniffingCat on

      This is how we’ll know it’s the end times and time to cash in on the wife’s boyfriend’s life insurance policy.

      If inverse cramer law ever breaks and cramer is correct in a major prediction.

    8. Dr_Explosion_MD on

      Wait didn’t he also just call the bottom. So is it about to bounce or crash farther?

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