1. James_E_Rustle on

      Guys Huang sold 1 million shares the past week, he only owns 862 million shares now, its over

    2. Fit_Combination6988 on

      the fucking bulls in this sub man… the puts I sold today are now worth 5k more ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)
      to all bears: avoid this sub, its nothing but ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276) and its fake as shit

    3. Can you believe bullz were actually celebrating a SMCI miss…


    4. Helpful_Syllabub3261 on

      You nerds really put your faith in something called super micro computer..

    5. MammothBites on

      Yikes. Not much buying enthusiasm into any of the earnings results I follow. Can’t read too much into it, small sample size but some ugly action following the late day fade

    6. pineapplekiwipen on

      Fucking SMCI made me hit stop loss on SOXS then went right back down ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

    7. CyborgAlgoInvestor on

      Kamala spending 50% of the campaign praying the market doesn’t collapse ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    8. Left_Experience_9857 on

      already on indeed looking for night shifts and weekend jobs.

      Door dash here I come!

    9. Opposite_Mushroom624 on

      smci with the pump fake from 700 all the way back down to below 600 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    10. Otherwise_Thought_50 on

      Perma bulls are fools, i play both sides like a whore ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)

    11. Reminder,  we are still in a bear market. Yes, you’ll see big green days (to lure retail into buying back) and then they will crush it the next day to destroy all of your hope.

    12. Why is lumn pumped out of its mind. I have lumn calls but I still don’t understand why lol

    13. Haha there we go SMCI. Was not sure that ER was as exciting as people expected and waiting for the algos to catch up. Looks like a meme coin now.

    14. I bought LMN at 3.62 pre market this morning but sold fast because i was scared about a TRAP. This type of penny stocks can plunge extremely fast…I

      Nevermind. That’s life. Still make good money tho

    15. Why the fuck didn’t I sell ABNB in March of this year around 170? Because I got greedy and wanted to squeeze an extra 500 dollars out of it so I could break even after holding for 3 years. I didn’t want to take a small loss. Instead im sitting at an unrealized loss of 6k and will have my money tied up for another 5+ years before ABnB either recovers or goes bankrupt

    16. LuckyCaramel922 on

      Why do people in here get happy about a stock going red when they don’t even have any open positions?

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