JPMorgan Says Carry Trade Unraveling Is Only Half Complete

    Posted by romt_25


    1. WestTexasCrude on

      My list of people I refuse to do business with:

      – Lawyers
      – Journalists
      – Politicians
      – Bankers

    2. If you’re not all in on META idk what to tell you, strongest mega cap of 2025 mark my words

    3. madeupofthesewords on

      Not sure how much I trust a banker, but if that’s true then that’s better than I was expecting. Get half of it cleaned up in a few days? Not too shabby if true.

    4. MrBrightsighed on

      Bro if JPM was sure of this they would have shorted the market and bought yen / tanked the dollar a long time ago

    5. MammothBites on

      They wouldn’t have any way of knowing. Could be done, could be 10% done. It’s not like folks at JPMorgan are out there surveying people to see who got fucked over and the people who were caught off guard aren’t going to be advertising the fact that they are scrambling to figure out how to remain solvent during this craziness

    6. baconography on

      Trading class 501: Never trust anything JPM, GS, or MS ever says that targets the retail investor.

    7. CowZestyclose397 on

      When your carry trade is leveraged 100 to 1, you feel the currency movement of the yen this past month.

      If I was Jamie, I would push the market crash. He has a few billion of unrealized gains he can realize without the nasty tax consequence when he is made treasury secretary. To quote Leona “Only poor people pay taxes”.

    8. Fair enough. Bonds are back to a mildly buyable position, so I’ll just snag a small pile of them to hedge my Nintendo. They should come down with the Fed cycle, anyway, so losses will be paper in the short term. And Nintendo should go up when the Switch 2 hits because hype it’s an iterative upgrade on their best thing ever.

      With patience, I don’t think this loses.

    9. lostfinancialsoul on

      if this is true and somehow the rest doesnt unwind by September Fed decision…. If US fed cuts, Yen strengthens?, rest unwinds later?

    10. ankole_watusi on

      All the kids are mewing, especially now.

      Strong jawline look fierce! Strengthen the tongue better for licking wounds!

    11. I didn’t buy because you can’t predict the nature of these things. Could start a chain reaction or it could unwind safely. Either way I’m only interested in INTC dip and that stock is eating shit for the time being anyways

    12. highallthetime15 on

      Wouldn’t be surprised if the 3pm market sell off today was due to this. Hedge funds most likely waited for the recovery so they could exit their positions at better prices. Sly dags

    13. superbigjoe007 on

      I don’t think the rest of the Japan carry trade will unwind unless they raise rates again. Or have growing / accelerating inflation.

      I don’t know much about Japan and how the data has evolved… but if Japanese Central Bank gets rid of stimulus and raises rates, we’ll see a lot more red days and crazy volatility again.

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