We are so back


    Posted by noonewilltakemealive


    1. Playingwithmyrod on

      People freaking out about a 5 percent drop is hilarious. Even more hilarious was people trying to blame political oponents for it lmfao.

    2. ImBackAndImAngry on

      I’m 27 and just starting to get into investing. The world panicked over that drop and all I saw was a bunch of stocks on sale for me to throw more money at 🔥💸

    3. Pretty-Dot-6722 on

      Idk , spy slays goes the opposite direction of my 0DTE. Puts it goes up. Calls it goes down.

    4. wasifaiboply on

      I remember when you were so back just this past Tuesday too lmao. Keep on buyin’ that dip! No chance it can dip any further historic price opportunity buy now or be priced out forever!

    5. Ordinary-Broccoli-41 on

      It’s why I went all in at the bottom

      If only that was more than a few dollars

    6. Wall-Street_ on

      Or it’s a coming Bull Trap, or it’s a man bear Bull trap, or a Trap bull bear man!

    7. Bear trap, bull trap, it’s $NVDA’s decision. Take August 29th off. You’re gonna need it one way or another

    8. SouthSandwichISUK on

      What happened to all the Boo-hoo-hoos that Powell caused a depression by not being a total pussy on inflation?

    9. BlackSquirrel05 on

      Um what’s dropped? I see positive 2% and minus the things have have been down for months or years in my portfolio… It’s all green today.

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