I’ve been five years in the red while I learned to do this crap and take my own greed. I will build this fort brick by brick day by day


    Posted by anxiety_md


    1. Kontrafantastisk on

      Just keep that 15x rate up for 5 more straight months and you’re a double-digit billionaire.

      But bet you can’t. Not naggint, just being realistic.

    2. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, but most of my trades Im wrong or got out early. Do you stick to one stock ?

    3. Status-Tale945 on

      What are some good stock to look into trading when I have a small bankroll? I don’t risk more than $400

    4. rickybobby135 on

      What is the strategy? Those numbers look great. But don’t know how you are pulling it off.

      I currently run the wheel 🛞 strategy and I’m slowly and steadily building up my portfolio. But 40% last year is better than the market average and seems safer to me than some of the crazier strategies.

    5. Zombie-Lenin on

      Future loss porn spotted. This is about point you’ve decided you’re Warren Buffet and start making huge unjustified options bets, and lose all of your (or grandma’s) money.

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