‘Sinkclose’ Flaw in Hundreds of Millions of AMD Chips Allows Deep, Virtually Unfixable Infections


    Posted by sMc-cMs


    1. not sure how much it matters, since one already needs kernal access… and amd’s already released mitigations. so probably a nothingburger for the stock, unless the talking heads want to doom it hard like 2022 (neon!)

    2. Man that was a garbage article no wonder Wired is only asking $5 for a year of subscription.

    3. INTC has something similar impacting both its 13th and 14th gen (current) CPUs. Both chipmakers are kinda meh

    4. VariationConstant675 on

      Pathetic cucks, can’t even beat a dead horse ……if it’s true…![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

    5. The only article or video on this “sinkclose” flaw just links to this exact 1 article in wired… not saying its fake just why is there no other reporting? youtube content demons usually would be foaming at the mouth for this kinda video?

    6. Basically you need kernel level access to execute this exploit.

      So if you have near full control of a system, this allows you to have full control over the system.

      Normal security precautions will be sufficient here. Kind of a nothing burger.

    7. RevolutionaryKale944 on

      does the thumbnail on main page look like 2 naked dudes touching swords? 

    8. Fun_Entrepreneur_254 on

      >>AMD compares the Sinkhole technique to a method for accessing a bank’s safe-deposit boxes after already bypassing its alarms, the guards, and vault door.

      Fuckin lol

    9. Lol this is such BS, if you already have access to kernel then who cares what they can exploit, you have already handed over keys. BS article

    10. “In a background statement to WIRED, AMD emphasized the difficulty of exploiting Sinkclose: To take advantage of the vulnerability, a hacker has to already possess access to a computer’s kernel, the core of its operating system. AMD compares the Sinkhole technique to a method for accessing a bank’s safe-deposit boxes after already bypassing its alarms, the guards, and vault door.”

      Nice try Intel, nice try

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