I also can’t switch to cash account because I’m on margin. Are these just gonna expire worthless?


    Posted by Ill-Bus-4207


    1. If you don’t have enough cash to exercise, and you were never going to be able to sell them, what the heck did you buy them for?

    2. MisterDegenerate1 on

      How bad is it going to hurt? I’d say take the loss and move on so you don’t get PDT… but yeah dont open options on a Friday if you can’t close!

    3. well, that’s the beauty: if you cant sell, either nvda does not reach your strike price, meaning you lose all money. Or you get assigned, and lose even more.

      Get fk’d either way…

    4. Ask the broker if them selling it for you at the end of the day counts as a day trade, then decide. You don’t want to take the maximum loss and get banned from opening new trades

    5. OppositeArugula3527 on

      Sell what? These are expiring worthless. They’re worth like $20 total probably right now 

    6. lostredditorlurking on

      Wait a minute, you’re out of day trade and you still bought 3 0dte options? Wtf, you belong here lol

    7. Switch to cash account you’ll be fines do as many day trades today as u like then switch. Switching from margin to cash was the best decision ever. Has saved me so many times from overtrading

    8. Don’t worry, they’ll sell it at 3:30 and NVDA will skyrocket 5 minutes before close.

    9. I love how the PDT stuff works. Some idiot like me can’t day trade with $500. Why not? All I’m gonna do is lose it. Making me put $25k in doesn’t protect me. It’ll just make me lose more money with the same shitty strategies.

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