Long ass story in comments to explain the chart.


    Posted by HossBonaventureCEO_


    1. HossBonaventureCEO_ on

      I started trading a little before the first gamestop squeeze. I used robinhood at the time so I can’t show you my losses but I had about 250k saved up. I made 85k on gamestop overnight. I was doing okay kind of going even then Oct and early Nov 2021 I got off my meds and went on a 0dte option spree. I was throwing 100k of my 380k (at least I think that’s what I ran it up to) on tesla weeklies. Chasing chasing chasing. I actually gained and lost 100k like 4 times in the span of a few days. Then it happened. I basically was on 0 sleep for 2 days and lost all but like 80k. 380k to 80k. Fucking hurt bad. I quit options for the most part but I’m a degenerate so I’d throw a few gs here and there. Well beginning of this year I had a couple hundred k saved again and decided to play options again (dear God why?) Except this time I decided to take profits and not touch 0dte (which I’ve done a few times admittedly. Nobody is perfect.

      I wish I could remember all my trades but I think the first half of the year was smci shares and soundhound shares. Then nvda calls. The big drop in the middle is me taking out 75k to invest in a decently established business. The big increase is me depositing the 90kish I turned my last 10k in robinhood into (meme stocks baby). The 40k drop right after is me investing more into that business. Then this past week and a half or so I went on an absolute tear. Approx 60k gains idk fidelity sucks at tracking that shit. My biggest winners by FAR. GOOG calls and shares. Next is prob NVDA or HOOD. I made about 20k on CAVA shares . And probably like 20-30 other stocks.

      I’m so grateful that despite being a regarded degen I was able to recover this money. My main changes were buying mostly 2+ months out. Only holding 2 weeks tops. Taking 30-70% profit depending on how long I’d held it. Cutting losers. Not chasing(well I did a few times) and lowering my position sizing way way down. My largest position was like 60k before nvda earnings that if I held would have been like 500k+. I’m not here to say I’m good at this or everybody should try to make their money back but after seeing the intel guy and the dude that lost 1m+ in 3 weeks I wanted to finally share my story. Only 2 people in my life know I’ve lost and gained this much money and I can tell you it is not fucking worth it. I’m lucky to have decent savings and almost 0 expenses so I could take risks. I’ve been insanely fortunate that this bull run has gone on this long. I have about 100k on the sidelines and 100k invested in a business that’ll pay me dividends yearly now. Idk what the fuck I’m saying now but yeah I got lucky.

      Also the idiots who said go woke go broke when google dropped to 130 thanks for buying my mom and dad a trip to Ireland for their 40th anniversary and me a trip to Japan end of this year. BTW you should be loading the boat on google. It’s gonna go back to 190-200. Just buy for Nov/Dec. Okay this post was waaay too long. Also if you lose a lot and feel suicidal PLEASE REACH OUT. TO ME. TO ANYBODY. It feels life ruining for a while but it gets better. If you read all this you must be bored as shit so I salute you.

    2. Those of you do trading. Do you close the position on the same day and what percentage difference. Like if your down 20% do you close and re open another?

    3. Dope post love when folks come back from the depths! Keep winning hope you touch 1m in 2025

    4. Pretty much no drawdowns. Impressive. What was your strat other then stocks only go up.

    5. Longjumping-Week8761 on

      No one held the money in escrow waiting for you to retrieve it… YOU DO NOT Make it back… Time is money and when they’re gone they’re gone

    6. My Fidelity margin rate is 8% because I negotiated it. If itā€™s higher than 8% I would try negotiating

    7. YamImpossible9698 on

      lol this guy has a good year. Comes to Reddit to brag and offer ā€œadviceā€ because now heā€™s a pro at gambling. Guy will return in another year to talk about how he lost it all and also offer ā€œadviceā€ about gambling.

      A story as old as time

    8. I lost 200k (88% of port), been that way for 10 months.

      Still waiting on my redemption arc ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)

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