If you woke up Monday and thought god fucking dammit I don’t have enough cash right now to buy this dip like I want too then you probably weren’t sitting in treasuries getting dicked on with 4% returns cause you got scared.

    Some of the valuations that morning were insane bargains. The first thing I bought was bitcoin and then of course sold before the major moves before buying nvidia below $100 and then cashed that shit out and was done.

    My gains could buy a nice dinner at Wendy’s for a family of 5, which I absolutely fucking did and told them about the trades that got us here.

    Now I’m here to tell you we are going to SPY 600. It’s gonna be here by the end of the year.

    Trust me. JPOW wants to retire too…

    Did I spell everything correctly?

    I’m not sure spell check is working on my flight to Venezuela

    My 2 cents on what the fuck happened his week
    byu/B3stAuD1t0rofA11tiME inwallstreetbets

    Posted by B3stAuD1t0rofA11tiME


    1. collegefootballfan69 on

      Same bought 25 NVIDIA ATM call options at 96 and 25 AMZN @ 157.5…crazy day was lucky to access my brokerage account early after the open unlike others

    2. These some of the biggest global moves in markets I seen in awhile.

      One day Japan crashes the markets and it’s looks like we going into a down trend.

      Nope next day big time whales bought the dip.

      It’s going to be pretty choppy for a while don’t get shaken out by these whales.

    3. lostfinancialsoul on

      Not to be a bear cause I hate bears. I wouldnt be surprised if there is one more large dip between now and end of september.

      Not as bad as the one that just happened because all the bears were driving the fear hardcore.

    4. Melodic_Hysteria on

      If you were Canadian, you just watched the world markets burn on Sunday/Monday to come in on Tuesday as if nothing ever happened so it was a little saddening to miss out

    5. “Trades that got us here” = ZJs behind Wendy’s. Enjoy those tendies kids papa worked hard for them.

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