Lowest I have ever been! :') these past few months I absolutely obliterated my account with overleveraging, no stop losses, and 0 DTE call options. Happy to be here


    Posted by Clean_Tune7681


    1. broke_n_lowLequidity on

      Don’t stop now. Get some new money in your account and let the casino begin! It is worth it. Just do the opposite of what you were doing before.

    2. Gambling in your TFSA is just plain stupid. That account is the second best tool to accumulate wealth as a Canadian (first being zero capital gain tax on your primary residence), and when you lose money you dont get the contribution room back.

    3. Wow you went from poor to poor.

      Protip: Just do index funds until you have your first 100K or so.

    4. I’m down $7800 this last year, I got $21 left in the account that’s also with wealthsimple. Did you copy my trades or did I copy yours?

    5. Wow in the tfsa too. I’ve made a few tiny gambles in there here and there (maybe like 1k or so), but that’s my retirement vehicle that I put in boring index funds. Wtf bro lol

    6. solely looking at the chart, it looks like a very dramatic 5 to 6 figure loss. Then I see this is basically only like $8k USD….

      wtf my guy just work overtime at Wendys for a few months and you’ll make this all back.

      this is very softcore loss porn

    7. halistechnology on

      You realize if you just buy a stock (like normally with no options) then it would have to go to $0 to lose all of your money right?

    8. I hope one day that I can be on your level where I can just chuck 7 grand into something.

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