1. life is weird. You’re born out of nowhere wherever in whatever body. You live and then you die, not knowing where you go

      this world and its laws is completely arbitrary yet we treat it as the only possible one because we’re used to it. It gets to a point where people claim the world created itself out of nothing

    2. PissedItDownMyLeg on

      It’s beyond regarded how many of you idiots on here are still using Robinhood

    3. ilovethewayyousmile on

      V incoming ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276) (on VIX)

    4. ClydeFrogsDrugDealer on

      MSFT needs AI to bring back a better Clippy. A true G ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    5. torta_di_crema on

      Shouldn’t buttcoin value inversely reflect the economic stability? eg if economy is going to shit and the dollar weakens btc should go up as the main and most popular decentralized alternative. Am i missing something, if it dumps why is it bad news for the market?

    6. why are we hating on bitcoin. it doesn’t mean I need to understand the reason in order to follow the herd in its intolerance though

    7. After seeing the top post on Reddit I feel vindicated after getting downvoted calling him Femboy Vance.

    8. Apprehensive-Dust240 on

      There have been fires at that plant for the past year, dont listen to all these MM bots spreading FUD, they are using this sub to manipulate you haha

    9. Altruistic-Sense-593 on

      Breakdancing was the dumbest sport in the Olympics, don’t ever bring that shit back. Don’t @ me

    10. I’ve been a member of this sub since 2018 and I’ve yet to see a non-regarded comment in the daily threads.

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