This chart is basically shows the loss porn of the banks investments in securities.

    Posted by Tangentkoala


    1. Ecstatic_Bee6067 on

      Has someone told them “Hodl, 💎👐”? I hear that is the winning strategy for unrealized losses

    2. Bonds mature, they buy bonds. We don’t, and our portfolios won’t mature either🍻

    3. The_Albertino on

      I commented last week that the big guys are just WSB regards with more money and more leverage.

    4. im____new____here on

      why would they have losses this year if interest rates havent been touched?

      the title makes it seem like they are losing that amount per year but its really just reflecting the fact that they are still underwater.

    5. This graph looks alarming but from what I understand the bulk of the unrealized loss is from mortgage back securities falling in price after the fed aggressively increased interest rates in Q1 2022. So long as people keep paying their 3% mortgages until rates are cut again then it won’t cause any issues.

    6. They collect fees to keep your money. Then they charge you to have an account with them which gives you access to your money. They then loan the money to business and people for a fee and gamble some of that money in the market. And when they make bad bets they get bailed out by governments with taxpayer money. So why not go big on risk. There is literally no risk to the banks because they know that governments will bail them out.

      You on the other hand aren’t rich enough to do that yet.

    7. thissempainotices on

      my boss at bank of america said he worked there for 20 years and never got a securities license, so why should they sponsor me to get mine after 1 year? I think about him often

    8. Relax those are mostly 20 and 30 year treasuries. They just have to hold for 20 years to maturity and they recover.

    9. Only way this failure happens is if they are forced to sell, otherwise it is hold to maturity

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