1. NormalGuyEndSarcasm on

      I love how they keep pushing the recession target date forward. At some point they’re bound to be right.

    2. 10 years from now we will have a world crisis because of cocoa futures and everyone will come out from their caves and say: “we told you that a crash was coming”

    3. Syab_of_Caltrops on

      ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) There is no signal more bullish than these hacks coming out – *again* – and spewing recession doom and bear market futures. Last time this happened, SPY went +30% in 6 months ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


      To be fair to Roche, in June 2022 he was saying a recession is avoidable in the short term which was not the consensus at the time:

      > Roche is bucking the trend by predicting that there won’t be a recession in the U.S. in the near future. Over two-thirds of economists believe a recession will hit in 2023, according to a survey of 49 U.S. macroeconomics experts, and more than 60% of a 750 executive survey say a recession is coming in the next year and a half.

      So he’s not a regular doomer.


    5. Oatmeal_Raisin_ on

      Predicting a recession is beyond difficult, and at this point just about every pundit–self-declared or not–has been wildly incorrect. Whether it is CNBC, wall street, or a youtuber they will simply pretend like their old predictions never happened.

      If you want to ~~invest~~ gamble based on increased risk, h*dge your bets a bit; bet against yourself sometimes or move to less speculative plays.

      BUT, this sub is meant for degenerate gambling. . .

    6. itsgottaberealnow on

      He is a Trumper. He’s trying to make it happen so he can get Trump back into the office based on bullshit like usual

    7. How many economists predicted a raging bull market in 2023 and interest rates shot up? I can answer this for you. It was literally 0. If economists were able to predict the market they would all be as rich as Warren Buffett. There’s a reason they are not.

    8. Permabear here, I am now neutral because I thought the recession was happening in 2022.

    9. Reginaferguson on

      As someone who is an expert in my field. I immediately am sceptical when news articles point out someone’s qualifications as to why something will happen.

      At the end of the day even a genius is still a normal person and can only process so much information.

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