Cannabis Rescheduling: Record 43,000 Public Comments Submitted To The DEA

    Posted by numba1ruski


    1. 69.3% (nice) of the comments were pro-descheduling/legalization. That’s a super majority of comments, very interested to see if this moves the needle even further, though I doubt it and it will be left at schedule 3.

    2. my_fun_lil_alt on

      THC is a generic drug that will get heavily taxed (for example WA state will have a total combined tax rate of 63% under current proposals).  The initial news will cause a huge spike, but the reality is there is almost no money to make in this industry long-term, as is true with most generic drugs not being taxed as heavily.

      My prediction is that the heavy taxes will actually increase the Cartels distribution, as they will provide a cheaper product with little fear of law enforcement intervention. They already have the networks established.

      I don’t see any long-term investment in this sector, but the wave after rescheduling will be enormous.  

      I do have some reservations with it actually being rescheduled however. Democrats have a long history of teasing movement on these issues as a way to get votes for the next election cycle, saying they need your vote to get it done, but never actually getting it done in order to continually leverage the issue. They did so with gay marriage until the conservative Supreme Court came in to overturn the prohibition on same sex marriage. Clarence Thomas has written an opinion stating he believes cannabis should be legal and I think a conservative supreme court would uphold this if the right case was brought before them.  

    3. Future-Back8822 on

      Priced in and legalization = more competition to the current money burning dumpster fires

      If weed was a white collar drug like cocaine, but it isn’t, true regards burning money like their joints

    4. Am I the only one here that doesn’t believe any government agency cares what the people want? My guess is they’ll side with big pharmaceutical corporations and it will be covered by health insurance before it’s dropped altogether from their schedule lists.

    5. My friend, who is a lawyer, said that through a loophole they accidentally legalized pot, when they legalized hemp. 

      His arguments is that since hemp has THC in it, and it is now legal, that no matter how low, the amount is, by legalizing it, they accidentally legalized THC. 

    6. andrewflemming on

      Schedule 4 incoming. I don’t know how the issuance of “medical” marijuana cards didn’t make them consider rescheduling immediately.

    7. RedDragin9954 on

      As someone that use to be fairly liberal on social issues, but have now seen my own children go through public school in a world where somehow weed is “legal” and viewed as “safe”, Id be pretty bummed if they completely decriminalize it. The number of under 18 high schoolers and middle schoolers smoking weed in INSANE….but no one wants to discuss that side of the argument

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