Ever since the horrible quality of the bronze Olympic medals has been going viral on social media, i decided it was the perfect opportunity to short the bronze market. I have about $7k saved up and I used all of it to purchase shorts on the entire bronze market as soon as this news broke. My reasoning for this is because as this news becomes more and more mainstream, more athletes will win bronze medals and complain about how low quality the material of bronze is (bronze is about 80% copper and 12.5% tin), which will cause bronze shareholders and copper/tin mining companies to lose revenue and decrease the demand for bronze, thus lowering the cost of it and sending my shorts to the moon.

    I'm a strong believer in using the current news/hype thats happening in our world right now to make my investment decisions, and I think this move will play out nicely. I also plan to go long on gold and silver, because I believe that once bronze declines in value, these commodities, which are heavily supported right now by the Olympics will increase in value.

    Also with more and more government officials pushing for the abolition of the penny, i feel like this is a pretty much no brainer.


    Why I'm shorting the entire bronze market with the rest of my life savings
    byu/Glittering-Acadia774 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Glittering-Acadia774


    1. I guess I’ll step up and be the one to tell you this: The Hellenic Age is dust. Bronze is done. It’s all about silica these days good sir.

    2. Electronic_Pilot3810 on

      lol just because the bronze metals oxidized at the Olympics, doesn’t mean the market value for bronze will be affected. These are two different things

    3. LethargicBatOnRoof on

      Otzi the Iceman ran his mouth about Big Bronze back in their heyday and we all know what happened to him. Boeing of their time.

    4. This regard probably doesn’t even know that bronze is a whole family of alloys of other metals.

    5. Bronze is a copper alloy made with tin. Are you shorting copper?

      gotta be a troll no one is this regarded ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

    6. Disaster_Transporter on

      You know there is literally NO bronze in modern day Olympic medals, right?
      Lol, I hope you wind up like that kid that put the 700k inheritance into Intel because this is STUPID.

    7. Hate to break it to you but pennies have not been made of bronze since 1982. If you honestly believe governments will dump the pennies you would short zinc.

    8. Humble_Implement_371 on

      this is the dumbest shit ive read here since yesterday. so by that logic, you should probably do it

    9. This is truly regarded. When does the average consumer interact with bronze? Basically never. The only time I think I have is a bronze case for a watch.

      It’s not a material that consumers interact with often, so their sentiment doesn’t affect price much at all, if any.

      If there was some negative news on INDUSTRIAL use cases for bronze, while makes up 99.9% of the bronze market, maybe then it would have an affect on price.

    10. HyrulianAvenger on

      This regard bought $2,000 of VOO and SPY for some reason. Betting against this kind of ignorance is a fool’s errand. He has regard strength.

    11. Zestyclose-Ruin8337 on

      What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this sub is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

    12. Cascadianative on

      You’d be better off buying boxes of quarters for thousands of dollars from the bank, sifting through to find the silver ones, keep all the silver and trade the quarters in for more. Only stonks from there

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