I doubled down on 0dte spy puts all day, expecting a pullback. I broke the number one rule. Don’t trade with emotion.


    Posted by musicguy900


    1. Accomplished_Dot9815 on

      It was perfectly okay to expect a dump today. That’s exactly what the market’s been doing. We’re all just trying to make money

    2. HungryLikeTheVVolf on

      “I’m telling you baby, you always double down on 0dte spy puts.”


    3. Stop losses man, and trade with the god damn trend, lol. It did not budge from that upward trend line today, lol

    4. so in addition you need as substantial drop in QQQ tomorrow to save a piece of those puts, eh?

    5. stevesdemoreels on

      I might not make money, but I’ve done that exact same thing enough times to know not to do it anymore.

    6. Why, for the love of fuck, would you expect a rug pull after a positive inflation report?!

    7. biggamehaunter on

      This is exactly what I did. Kept adding sqqq and kept getting burnt. Remember, market stays irrational longer than you stay solvent. Even if you are ultimately right.

    8. Haha in my App right underneath this thread was “What would you do with $5,000 Today?”

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