Bulls Go Crazy, Gey Bers on Suicide Watch: Inflation Falls Below 3% for First Time Since 2021


    Posted by TherisVR


    1. Glum-Investment-2518 on

      It can’t be more perfect! All in all it’s below 2%, the energy and housing went up but once the house price went up, you can’t expect it to go back down that also could lead a recession, and also because of Israel war, the energy price can’t be stable! The fact is overall is under 3%. The inflation is slowly going down

    2. I’m sure the numbers will be quietly adjusted about a month from now to higher than what this lying Administration reports, just like always

    3. AdPrestigious8198 on

      Gey bears 😂

      Honestly, this inflation will be tied with a very quick deceleration of the economy in my honest opinion.

    4. And to what can we credit this reduction in inflation? That’s right. The Inflation Reduction Act. It’s in the name.

    5. Revolutionary-Tie911 on

      Bears don’t care what the inflation print is. It’s all about when they will cut, how much will they be cutting rates and when is the 2/10s yield curve going to re-invert.

    6. AdPrestigious8198 on

      Going to call it bear market today, yesterday’s gains will get wiped by close.

      Sayonara nannas life savings

    7. Eternal-Optimist24 on

      Excluding food and energy? Why don’t they go for the trifecta and exclude housing?
      Wait what…

    8. ZombieFrenchKisser on

      Good, the fake data that moves the market is moving in the right direction at least. I’m starting to see some deflationary events though (primarily w/ Fast Food, but other industries like cars also impacted). Brace for recession boys, it’s on the menu.

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