Okay calls didn’t work, new YOLO


    Posted by OutrageousMango4555


    1. Todays data was kinda bullish and were leading into NVDA earnings bro. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)

    2. Quick_Web_4120 on

      thank you for your sacrfice …just don’t sell the puts now to buy calls again cos ut gonna fuk us

    3. Routine-Material629 on

      Naw 🤣 you’re toast. Unless you somehow get lucky and sell for a 50% gain or something, if that

    4. pollitosBlandos on

      Holy shit if wsb did the same trades just near the money yall would be rich. Stop being regards !

    5. Godspeedstock on


    6. He sold?

      Paamp it ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    7. Aw jeez, I’m regarded but fortunately not as much as you. This is on the level of INTC guy (the Nana one)

    8. Lol how stupid, it’s already $117 and you sold your 120 calls still expiring in one week +

    9. unknownnoname2424 on

      based on this regards post Nvidia will be probably at 150 by earnings. this just solidified the probability further since it is proven this regard buys high sells low

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