SPY took me to the top, and SPY took me to the bottom 🙁


    Posted by swarthout2222


    1. Superb_Buffalo_4037 on

      Ya i was at 95% loss last week from 20k. Current sitting at 80% loss. You got this.

    2. AdditionalNothing997 on

      SPY is down $10 (1.7%) over the last month, so assuming you have short-dated options? Might I suggest leaps at least 12 months out in the future?

    3. At least you’re consistent. Down 75% this month buying puts on SPY and very close to going bull.

    4. thelonelyward2 on

      idk how you deal with it, you coulda bought top of the line mercedes, or a huge down payment on a house, but no you need dopamine from robinhood…

    5. The good news is you have a $3,000 per year tax deduction for the next 50 years so you are set there.

    6. GeneralAustismo on

      Fuck yeah. I know the feeling, I also got kicked in the nuts this week. BROTHERRRERRR

    7. Far-Requirement9180 on

      In only 4 more trades you’ll make it all back. You just gotta find the right trades that’ll double your account each time. You’re welcome.

    8. So this is $150k loss from the peak maybe 15 days ago right? But in the previous 15 days you went up to 150k… So how much did you actually deposit originally? You’re probably broke even right? Actually you’re probably up a few grand in net profits

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