All my life savings

    Posted by Imzyfed


    1. Bold move doing this a week and a half away from earnings. Congratulations fuck you/Im sorry for your loss

    2. I picked up fifty 109C for 9/20 on the first. Thinking I should sell half before earnings.

    3. notyourregularninja on

      Dude stop panicking with a 1 day dip on an option expiring 3 weeks later. Be calm and jerk off!!

    4. HoneyBadger552 on

      You missed the dip completely my dear fellow. You missed the split price. Better late then never i guess. To the moon!

    5. You were sitting on $50K in cash. NVDA fell to $95 just a week ago, and you were thinking what? I will wait for this shit to go to $120 before YOLOing? You didn’t think to just buy $50K worth of shares then?

      Like it says in rich dad, poor dad. Fortunes are made in buying, not selling.

    6. Why not get a few months out man. It’s a little more but way more worth in regards to managing risk.

      Nvm forgot this was wsb. Good job man!

    7. Yolo’n ***AFTER*** nvda popped over 35% from bottom of 8/5 to now…

      yeah… that’s asking for trouble.

      good luck, regard

    8. NervousConfection614 on

      I got $144’s for 08/30 my entire portfolio….which is a fraction of this $50k.

    9. TheBooneyBunes on

      I want NVDA to moon less for my calls and more so just to see what this discount DFV play could look like

    10. You’ll be fine don’t let anyone scare you. I also suggest to take out a loan against your house and add more average down. See you on the 28th

    11. Jesus. I could see it flirting with its ATH of $140 if it absolutely demolishes the already obscene expectations going into earnings, which would net you something like $43K or a 90% ROI.

      But if Jensen clears his throat at the wrong time – RIP to your 50K.

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