-$100k YTD and my brokerage can’t even show a good chart


    Posted by Nuts4Puts


    1. Like, literally every stupid bet I could have piled into. I got tilted after PLTR earnings, sold off my YOLO (see prev post), and then piled into every degen 0DTE FD I could find until I lost it all.

      The fuck of it is, if I’d just held that YOLO, I’d be up over 100% … FML

    2. Agreed.

      You’re down so much the brokerage should be offering you VIP extras and comp packages

    3. Plus_Seesaw2023 on

      So, is it worth trading options? Should you buy calls or puts?

      An old trader investor friend told me that if you can’t beat the SPY every day, there’s no point in trying anything else; just buy the SPY.

      By the way, what is the purpose of this group?

    4. These are some of the worse picks…how did you manage to find these? Did you come from 2003 or something? 😅

    5. Decent_Idea_7701 on

      Go to robinhood bro. They have the best looking chart for loss prn, the more you lose the better it looks. Go try out.

    6. I’m not sure what’s worse..your trades or the fact you paid 14k to whatever brokerage this is to make these trades. Why??

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