Limped in after the first bump with 10 Jan17 $20 calls @ 0.15. When they hit 2.00, I rolled half into 10 Aug16 $15 calls @1.01. Sold 7 over multiple transactions for ~6.9k. Executed the last 3.
    Result: 300 shares, $2.4k on-hand to do something else dumb and 5 Jan17 $20 calls waiting for launch. Hoping when the calls come due I'll be walking away with at least 600 shares for my $150 investment. With my normal luck, that means the launch will veer offcourse and crash into their production facilty.

    Posted by Equivalent_Might_601


    1. Don’t jinx it![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)

    2. Okay. Finally a buy order I can ask about.

      Can someone explain this like I’m 5.

      Bought call at 15
      Sold call at 20
      Bought call at 20.

      Please let me know what exactly happens here.

      Also, does the OP have to actually BUY the shares at the price and own them or are options all “on paper”?


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