A few years ago I came up with the investment thesis that the world was not a happy place and evil people seemed to be doing quite well, so I decided to go long evil with my investments. I thought Facebook, Palantir, Raytheon and Philip Morris would be a good place to start.

    Since then my evil portfolio has done extremely well in with Facebook (up more than 400%) and Palantir (up more than 250%) and reasonably well in the case of Raytheon and Philip Morris – albeit nothing spectacular like the other two.

    I'm interested in investing in more evil companies – I had in mind Correction Corporation of America and Nestle (after a friend told me their CEO thinks all drinking water should be privatized) plus I've already invested in a couple of drone manufacturers as well It looks like evil companies with a tech aspect seem to be doing well, but overall evil seems on the up.

    Would anyone have some suggestion on truly evil companies I could invest in, perhaps some non-US shares as well?

    PS I'm interested in investment opportunities in really appallingly evil companies rather than just your average corporate wrong doing – accounting fraud, price gouging and routine worker exploitation probably wouldn't make the grade – although I do have a soft spot for exploitative monopolies.

    Long evil portfolio suggestions
    byu/kujiranoai2 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by kujiranoai2


    1. Null_Singularity_0 on

      Altria Group, ticker MO. They can die in a fucking apocalypse, but they also have a solid dividend if you don’t mind accepting their blood money. Should be a good choice for this portfolio.

    2. WashedOut3991 on

      I mean NVIDIA is making those pain trained organoid processors that saves 10000x energy just go NVIDIA leaps in the crash lol

    3. De Beers is supposedly considering an IPO. They’re the original blood diamond company, though I haven’t looked into their modern practices too closely.

      Securitas AB out of Sweden bought the Pinkerton agency in 1999, though they may be difficult to invest in since they’re listed in Stockholm.

      GEO Group – publicly traded private prison company. US listed

      The real problem is that corporations with a reputation for evil tend to merge/go private/get bought to leave that reputation behind. You’ll have to do some DD to see if the practices that led to their reputation are still quietly in place.

    4. You are regarded. Nestlé, ticker NSRGY. Swiss company Nestlé, the world’s largest water bottler, is why Flint doesn’t have access to clean water. They bought up rights to usable water in surrounding areas. Nestle has also bought water rights in African countries and Southern California. Some say that Nestlé’s practices amount to privatizing a public resource and that the company pays little in royalties. Others say that Nestlé enters communities with promises of jobs and environmental standards, but then takes their water and sells it back to them. Pure evil.

    5. NumberOneClark on

      Perhaps every pharma that profits from illness?

      I’m convinced there’s a cure for everything and no one knows because there’s too much money in treating sick people for long periods of time.

      Insurance companies…for obvious reasons

    6. You should look into Glencore… their founder and longtime CEO Marc Rich had outstanding arrest warrants and sanctions for his crooked dealings with Iran and fled to Switzerland to avoid arrest. Glencore has also had sanctions imposed against them for their dealings with third world warlords.

    7. Various-Ducks on

      You can’t buy Nickelodeon stock but Paramount owns Nickelodeon and you can buy Paramount stock

    8. drunk_FBI-agent on

      British American Tobacco, sells cigarettes and other nicotine products and is UK-based. Michael Burry also owns it.

    9. NuclearPopTarts on

      OP, I outdid you by investing in Russian stocks. Gazprom, Rusal, Alrosa, the RSX etf.

      I did quite well, until the war. Then I lost everything to sanctions. So your “evil” approach is not a sure thing!

      But losing money to sanctions sounds badass. Almost worth losing six figures!

      There are ETFs such as VICE (gambling, alcohol)

      You could invest in RICK and make money from strippers …

    10. kendalkitchen on

      Diageo, alcohol causes so many issues. Liver cancer, DUIs, alcoholism, ect. Seems right up your alley

    11. RevolutionaryPhoto24 on

      You missed GEO (I think, had a similar idea once upon a time and rejected it. Just because I did. No judgement.)

    12. Monsanto and Dow Chemical.

      Contamination in many US plants and adjacent areas went unchecked for decades even though the companies knew about chemicals getting into the water supply.

    13. Tesla and Amazon, both companies HATE unions and will literally shut down the entire factory and fire everyone if their is even a hint of unionization for better working rights.

    14. Carvana. They replace shifter knobs pleather with scrotum skin. They market to women because women don’t know enough about cars. The CEO personally t-bags all of the windshields. Don’t believe me.. go look at the windshield of a car bought off Carvana. You can see the imprint and sometimes the tip print.

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