I’ve been riding the PLTR train since after earnings. Granted this isnt any crazy DD, but in addition to a great earnings report, and no fundamental flaws (that I know of). It has no reason to not to keep trending up.

    This pic isn’t really any concrete news, but to me it reads as the CEO unofficially announcing that there are additional govt/DOD contracts and projects in the works.

    Additionally, they’re incentivized to keep bringing good news to increase their chance of getting listed on the S&P this sept.

    I’m up over 100% on calls rn, and plan to keep adding more ATM calls as it continues to trend up.

    Obviously this is not financial advice.


    Posted by NumberOneClark


    1. Fun-Journalist2276 on

      The next 1.6b TITAN contract and inclusive of S&P500 would bring to 50 easily πŸš€

    2. The given pic doesn’t confirm that they have any govt contracts exactly tho. So we can’t really say anything. But the stock is pretty steady as of now.

    3. But does the dude know how to brush his hair? It seems like something a CEO would learn but apparently not this guy.


      Okay I’m a super smart Redditor and everything but what does this mean? And what exactly is the thing about The Pope and how do I understand it.

    5. No_Abbreviations_259 on

      Following the rough and tumble, bleeding edge, never say die world of defense contract bidding feels not quite like the lifestyle anyone came here to seek. Are we even sure given the constant budget drama that new contracts are being awarded at all? Or even if they are, are the checks clearing?

      Not denying that they helped find Bin Laden… now I’m considering not denying that on my own resume.

    6. Puts on Reddit, word is they only push negative comments on podcasts they disagree with. See Rogan

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