Stock jumped over 20% Friday with very bullish afterhours. Feel like it’s been so beaten down, with this news and recent decent earnings reports it has room to run, possibly to the $4-5 range quickly. To add to that, it has 15% SI w/ 3 days to cover which might make things interesting. Jumping on some calls Monday morning.

    Posted by AlarmingAd2445


    1. idonteverwatchsports on

      I agree. Going to watch pre market and if it continues to run up Monday morning I’m buying calls. They will definitely have to cover their shorts.

    2. Ray_Getard_Phd on

      Meh. Still a lot of headwinds with DIS until they sort out their leadership and movie writers/directors, that’s the biggest hurdle for them IMO. The theme parks need to keep the appeal. The movies funnel people to the parks, but the movies/shows face much more competition now and DIS seems to want to force the consumer to enjoy whatever slop they put out.

      The DIS movie and show quality is stuck in Game of Thrones season 8 mode, and if you don’t like it you are a bigot!

      Everyone is just so excited about nu Star Wars and the new Snow White!! /s

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