Bought these before Friday close at 0.05 a contract bc I had RKLB gains that I wanted to punt on something (see post history). Sold fully 500 at a time between 0.25 and 0.35

    DD? This stock came up a lot here, the market cap was still low, the CEO bought a bunch, the chart looked good

    I am going to stop dropping 20k on weeklies bc I have a feeling I’ve exhausted all my luck for the year

    Thanks for playing!

    Posted by ilovethewayyousmile


    1. ilovethewayyousmile on

      Forgot to add: God bless WSB, God bless leverage, God bless America ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)🇺🇸

    2. Made 100% this morning on CLOV with that spike. Good to see this stock gaining steam in 2024

    3. Bro made 80k because he thought the “chart looked good” ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    4. You have done nothing but win lately what the fuck ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

      Take a month off and go take a vacation. Dont lose it all

    5. MathematicianBetter4 on

      I’m jealous. Been holding 14k shares of this stock at a loss for 3 years and you just made 82k more than I have in the last 3 years.

    6. MathiasMaximus13 on

      I’m up 45k on this stock in the last 3 months alone because I had the balls to buy under a buck. Nothing but good news coming out with insider buys and SAAS announcement with their AI software to help reduce medical costs and enhance patient outcomes.

    7. IndividualEquipment2 on

      I don’t understand options, had this gone the wrong way is there any limit to what he could have lost? Or is worst case he just loses the money he put into it?

    8. boofingwhippets on

      >I am going to stop dropping 20k on weeklies bc I have a feeling I’ve exhausted all my luck for the year

      That’s not how this game works and you know it, you don’t get to just walk away, I am looking forward to your next post

    9. Far-Counter-1319 on

      Damn I was preaching clov for a minute and I sold early cause I needed some cash for college. Should of hold

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