Stay tuned going to a million looking to donate to animal shelters to pay for all that extra DOG the creator put in me. Spy to $580 9/6

    Posted by UnluckyImportance425


    1. Agreeable_Ad281 on

      I miss the days of “positions or ban”. It’s too easy to fake a bullshit screenshot.

    2. UnluckyImportance425 on

      Missing a couple plays but the market is too hot to be posting rn I’ll have them all uploaded after close

    3. Fake and gay, you definitley play with way more and just pulled it all out to make it look like $100 was your base.

    4. Unhappywageslave on

      Report this scum scammer. He’s most likely in a yellow sweat stained tank top, basketball shorts, and in flip flops, also in a room with no ac, while sitting in a yellow stained white plastic chair in some internet cafe in India. I hate scammers!

    5. redRabbitRumrunner on

      FfS, 🤦‍♂️ OP needs to know how to post his screenshots in one thread.

      I don’t know how to do it either but I’m not on here with this

    6. WestCoastAutistBull on

      Screenshots of account page are useless. Positions or ban. The buying power in relation to that straight line looks fake af.

    7. Even if it’s legit I think it’s funny he’s getting railed so hard for not knowing to post his trades. Lol

    8. bullshit without acc transaction history. You couldve put in 100.1k, made 15k and pulled out the initial 100k and it would still show this graph. It does mean your up though so thats something.

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