ASTS, took the $$$$

    Posted by 1Loveshack


    1. Congrats! There’s still a ton of deep ITM open interest on calls expiring this week. Should be lots of volatility ahead

    2. Status_Second1469 on

      Congrats on the massive gains!! Love the power move of playing short side after selling. With big ITM calls expiring the next couple weeks selling pressure might get the best of it

    3. Sir, would you please help fund my gambling addiction? πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ College aint cheap, so more gambling money is good….

    4. He had the golden ticket and sold it

      Selling before obvious DoD contracts, First Net Funding, etc GG

    5. I’m still well ahead of where I bought in. I’d sell if the price hit below $32. The entire market seems fairly meh today.

    6. u/1Loveshack where do you even get the knowledge to decide to go this hard into something?

    7. So you bought ~40,000 ASTS at around ~2$ each for ~80,000$. Well done, this is well deserved then…

    8. You’re me if I had balls. Was looking to buy those 20 dollar calls when they were dirt cheap and stock was sprung 8 bucks. Fuck me

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